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  1. FR4NKtheT4NK

    Yeah! It's Bud Worm Season. Pics

    Yea well atleast u didnt get over run REALLY quick like i did with my first attack. LOL i mean these little shits were EVERYWHERE, but i managed to salvage the plant(barely). Like i said ppl be careful where u keep ur babies cause the higher the veg around ur plants the more likely u r to get...
  2. FR4NKtheT4NK

    How About Delaware?

    lol W00T Dela..WHERE? we need OUR SPOT on the list above :( LOL stop slackin!
  3. FR4NKtheT4NK

    Yeah! It's Bud Worm Season. Pics

    is it a whole bunch of little ones?
  4. FR4NKtheT4NK

    Yeah! It's Bud Worm Season. Pics

    haha i wouldnt mind seeing him hittin the bubbler with a bowl full of worms YUCK lmao. Ive had an instance with those little bastards chowin down on my plants like right when they started flowering. Mine are in pots so im able to just up and move them away from the tree they were Parajumping...
  5. FR4NKtheT4NK

    Plant Dropping to Sure Why Help!

    yea shes lookn a bit dry and looks as tho shes havin problems "breathing" a bit. Doesnt look like a nutrient problem tho i could be wrong. Are you givin her a nice sprits every now and again?
  6. FR4NKtheT4NK

    Question about Growing Seedlings Outdoors?

    yea unfortunately we outdoor dudes and dudettes have to wait a while longer to enjoy the fruits of our labor, just remember patience is a virtue. They are lookn nice btw. I only got one goin atm with a few sprouts tryn to do their thing. Just keep em safe from the little nasties that love to eat...
  7. FR4NKtheT4NK

    The Movement

    lol they JUST signed the bill for the medical use in my state a couple weeks back so now I can say we are among the "Elite" lmao. Still NOT ENOUGH! We need to fight harder in order to accomplish anything!
  8. FR4NKtheT4NK

    First Season Here

    i just noticed your right next to me gypsy! :D we have the same climate pretty much unless ur further up north in the mountains. How Close to Philly are you?
  9. FR4NKtheT4NK

    First Season Here

    i only got one plant atm thats a month old and just read about using coffee gounds, so i decided to sprinkle some on the top soil and see if theres any noticable difference. From your experience how much is too much and how little is too little? thanks in advance!
  10. FR4NKtheT4NK

    Welcome New Members!

    lol already posted in the intro section but saw this and decided to say ELLO to all you cool cats and hope to get to know some of you a bit better and swap recipes and what not xD EDIT: Lucky number 7...THOUSAND lol w00t maybe a bit more luck to my ladies come flowering time :hump:
  11. FR4NKtheT4NK

    What's Good With Everyone!

    Just wanted to say hello and say im already lovin this place and ive only been here 10 minutes xD. Im an outdoor noob grower and its my second season of growing MJ. Im still pickn up tips and tryn to better myself as a grower :D and this place is def the place that seems to be what i need. I do...