The Movement

I think the best way to stop the marijuana prohibition is to protest. I feel like if we (USA (sorry it's were i live so it's what im concerned about)) all just stood out in the streets & just smoked they would change something. It would have to be mass organized. I feel like if we blatently everywhere on 420 we could make a difference. but this would call for all stoners across the nation to rise up regardless of age creed or color, i feel that we stand untied the long dick of the law can just FUCK IT SELF. Anyone feel the same way?


Well-Known Member
Bullshit. The entire country is made up of individuals who live in communities just like yours. It's shit like this that makes the issue so vast and inquonquerable. Worryy about your neck of the woods and I'll worry about mine. Together we can take on the entire nation. If you don't have the balls to stand up to the people in your own community with the truth then what the fuck are you doing here asking us to take on the entire nation as if you weren't preaching to the choir??

Big fat balls, man. Posting about Cannabis reform on a growing forum on the internet does not take them.
lol they JUST signed the bill for the medical use in my state a couple weeks back so now I can say we are among the "Elite" lmao. Still NOT ENOUGH! We need to fight harder in order to accomplish anything!


Well-Known Member
i saw that NORML polled older folks and found that 85% of the 'baby boomer' 60's generation grandparents support legalizing now..