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  1. H

    growing plants indoors and outdoors

    could i grow some plants indoors somedays and then put them out side on other days still keeping the same light schedule
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    plants started growing like this

    ok so i put a 60 watt grow light on my plant. i got the light from walmart. the next day there looked like this. is this bad and should i switch back to the cfls i had before. the small ones are what they looked like a day or 2 ago. and the tall 1s are wat they looked like after i put the blue...
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    weird growth

    there not twisting there just growing really far up
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    weird growth

    yea there is a fan and its this grow light from walmart idk what the wattage is
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    weird growth

    i put this grow light on my plant instead of the cfl i had on it before and it started growing like this. is this normal/ok
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    How Long Can I Keep A Seedling In A Small Container?

    rite now its in a computer tower i want it to stay small to fit in there for a while then i want to move it to a bigger box once i get it made.
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    How Long Can I Keep A Seedling In A Small Container?

    rite now i am using a 1 liter bottle with the top cut off for my seedling. how long can i keep it in there before i have to trans plant. i want to keep it small.
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    does my plant look ok

    o i had just watered them wen i took the pics the soil was really dry
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    does my plant look ok

    i was just wondering if my plant looked ok because the leaves were doing some wierd curling and bending and idk if its ok or what.
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    male marijuana plants

    if any of my plants become male what could i do with them besides kill em. do they still produce bud and if so can it still get u high. also could i do some cooking or hash or somthin with it.
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    Please help with my seedling

    ok so today i wanted to transfer my seedling to a smaller pot because the first 1 was to big and it was streching. while i was doing it i accidentally broke the tip off the root and now the leaves are sagging. what should i do.
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    Any ideas for a grow box

    how do u get to the DIY section
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    Any ideas for a grow box

    thanks more posts please
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    Any ideas for a grow box

    Hello. Does any1 have any ideas for a grow box using this small book case type thing. im currently growing seedlings in a pc box right now but once they get bigger im gonna need to move them to a larger grow area. how could i make this into a grow box.
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    pc grow box

    someone post so my post moves up
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    pc grow box

    thats just my temparary home im making a box cabinet type thing with a door on it to put it in after a couple weeks
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    pc grow box

    i removed the pc fan and put in that fan u c in the picture in the back were the hole is would that be fine for now
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    pc grow box

    hello i would like a bit of feed back on my first pc grow box setup. i dont have the pc fans running on them because they were to loud so i run the fan threw the hole were the fans use to be. here are a few pics please tell me how i can improve my set up. this isnt my first time growing but its...
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    Starting Out Seedlings

    im not new to growing but i dont know everything about it either. i want to start a few plants out from seed and i wanted to know if this was fine to do. i know how to germinate them and everything but could i like start them out in some 16 oz styrofoam cup until there ready to be transplanted.