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  1. thecitygiant

    Am I the only person growing Apollo 13???

    Apollo 13 is bombdiggidy. I had two different Phenos. One was a tall old school looking sativa with huge huge long colas. The other was a short one Can't go wrong def some dank Them again its tga!
  2. thecitygiant

    New Growth Yellow & Slowed Growth - Need Diagnosis Help

    I had a similar problem. All my plants were fine except one that was totally lime green from the top. They all had a ph of 6.7. Thought it needed more nitrogen, I gave it more but that didn't change a thing. I transplanted it and it came back to its green color. Just my 2 cents hope it helps.
  3. thecitygiant

    just opened the TGA seed "vault" which strain should i go with next?

    nice stash. any idea which packs are going to be opened soon?
  4. thecitygiant

    just opened the TGA seed "vault" which strain should i go with next?

    going to try and and have an update every week. just checked on the seeds i germed on 4-5-2013. and here are some pics i took today 4-9-2013 we have roots coming out of the rapid rooters on some of these seeds. there are only two seeds i checked that still havent sprouted. i wont give up on...
  5. thecitygiant

    Denver cup

    Anybody here from California going to the cannibus cup in Denver? What's airline tickets like? Thinking about going.
  6. thecitygiant

    just opened the TGA seed "vault" which strain should i go with next?

    Ive had that querkle in mind since you insisted 5 querkles are going in rapid rooters but that's it for this round. 25 beans total. Sweet. Looks like I will be working hard this summer. No worries though it's going to be well worth it, and a pleasure documenting the grow.
  7. thecitygiant

    just opened the TGA seed "vault" which strain should i go with next?

    Sounds good I will do 5 flavs 5 kaboom 5 ripped bubba and 5 qrazy train. Total 20 beans after i weed out the males and runts i will only keep 12 which is my limit. Can't wait to see seedlings emerging from rapid rooters. We have 5 aces vegging in 7gallon smart pots topped and super cropped...
  8. thecitygiant

    just opened the TGA seed "vault" which strain should i go with next?

    greetings fellow weednerds.i have an addiction and its collecting and growing seeds i am also a seed hoarder :grin: and im having some difficulty choosing genetics. i have been growing for a quite a few years. i have been mainly growing tga gear for the most part, and ive had great phenos and...
  9. thecitygiant

    Should i topdress?

    thats a nice fade. i would just give em some water. your girls look good
  10. thecitygiant

    Jesus OG

    stoked i will be watching these ladies for sure cheers
  11. thecitygiant

    my plant over heat and i got spider mite check out if there sumting ealse

    Late adapters? Ha? Mighty wash? What is it made out of? Are you an organic grower ?neem oil has worked for me. it is organic as my plants are too Why is neem oil nasty? It comes from a seed. Why try something new when there's nothing wrong with how I go about my business My meds are...
  12. thecitygiant

    my plant over heat and i got spider mite check out if there sumting ealse

    Those white spots are where the spider mites dig into the leaf and they drain the plant from its food They can and will take over your crop if you let them I can't really tell how far advanced they are but if you see webs, well my friend they have been there a while Regardless spray them down
  13. thecitygiant

    White Spots On Leaves

    Do you see any type of web anywhere? Because I'm leaning towards spider mite damage.
  14. thecitygiant

    my plant over heat and i got spider mite check out if there sumting ealse

    sorry to say but you do have spider mites. To treat spray them down with neem oil this will kill the adult mites suffocate the eggs but you still have to spray every two days after this for about one week if it's not a bad infestation they will recover It has worked for me I've used it And...
  15. thecitygiant

    Dolomite lime

    Whats good roots. I have the powder lime it's very fine, seems to me as if the powder will breakdown faster than crushed. Its the same product just in a different form
  16. thecitygiant

    Dolomite lime
