Remember Over Grow? Cannabis World? Seed Auctions and such?


Well-Known Member
I still miss Overgrow. And Heavens Stairway was the first place I bought seeds online. (Cindy 99)

I like the seed auction sites, you can find some interesting and rare stuff sometimes. Gage Green has one but it's only their strains.


Well-Known Member
Are we okay to create a profile there now or should we wait until the site is totally complete?

Sub thanks for this link. I have been leery about purchasing seeds online through normal channels and am PISSED that I can't send you an email or order directly from you guys. Can't wait to start bidding! :D


Well-Known Member
Are we okay to create a profile there now or should we wait until the site is totally complete?

Sub thanks for this link. I have been leery about purchasing seeds online through normal channels and am PISSED that I can't send you an email or order directly from you guys. Can't wait to start bidding! :D
There are a few dispensaries in Cali that carry TGA seeds.


Active Member
Overgrow was great. Straight outta college I studied that more than anything, except champaign powder. Its basically where I learned to grow and found my path in life. Green Avengers!


Well-Known Member
Hey there RIU peeps!

big thanks to Subcool for announcing this great opportunity - its always good to have a big kahuna in your corner :)

I work with and the auction site and the deal of the week.....
we are getting our feet wet as we speak (type). the site is days away from being ready

final touches include....
1) final testing of software
2) rules - how sell an item at the auction
3) sign ups and (required deposits)
4) other


we welcome everyone's input and hope to have a great site with lots of pictures information and education aka edu-tainment

- best wishes from

i see the site is finally up. i was wondering what strains and what breeders genetics we could expect to see?? another thing, i cant seem to find the auction through the main page. i can only visit through the link sub posted. is it there and im missing it??


Well-Known Member
In the old days, I was a fan of Heaven's Stairway. Got lots of good gear from all corners of North America. I remember good results from their auction beans from growers like GoldenEyes, Dman, Mortabel, BudRydell, ElysianFields and many, many others. The place really had a sense of community and lesser known growers and regular pollen chuckers could get their beans out to others.