Search results

  1. Monkeyfloss

    Mr green man - how to grow weed indoors -step by step video!!!!!

    Its very basic and a ton of things I would do different but will get a newbie started.
  2. Monkeyfloss

    Mr green man - how to grow weed indoors -step by step video!!!!!

    I saw this video like 5 years ago. Its also downloadable via torrent.
  3. Monkeyfloss

    I think my clone has rooted, how do I know for sure?

    Ive never experienced any signs of stress by taking rooted clones out of my propagator and putting them into my flower or veg room. Thats the first ive heard about it too. Hmmm, interesting.
  4. Monkeyfloss

    please help! 10 days old seedling starting to turn yellow and stopped growing.

    next time add some perlite to aid aeration/drainage. To me your soil looks too fine and may need more airy material to prevent it from compacting.
  5. Monkeyfloss

    Careers that are possible virtually anywhere?

    web design is a poor choice. 10 years ago it meant something, now they have 8 year olds doing it. The smart people are learning chinese in college. Since theyll own the world soon. I say, diversity is the key to making money today. and developing skills thats can be transferred across...
  6. Monkeyfloss

    Sooo Autoflowers? F that?

    Auto flowering refers to the trait of the plant Cannabis ruderalis plant. Read up on Sativa, Indica and Ruderalis then decide if its for you. On here you'll find people that both love and hate these Ruderalis crosses.
  7. Monkeyfloss

    don't smoke this potpourri (k2 alternative)

    Yes, but what EXACTLY is it! ....... I'll only make a decision to inhale something once i know what the hell it is.
  8. Monkeyfloss

    Tracking IP addresses

    'THEY' can track everything. 'THEY' have a super duper computer that can tell them when you last took a dump.
  9. Monkeyfloss

    Baby Pandas or was it Grow Tent Advice?

    Asking people to help setup your little weed empire is kinda frowned upon here. If you want to know hope to grow Marijuana then ask questions but stating its so you can make dough just implicates people in your project. Its not as if your gonna cut anyone in for telling you how to do it either...
  10. Monkeyfloss

    Why Transplant ?? just a noob question

    Simple answer - watering and space. Its a lot easier to water seedlings in tiny pots than larger ones. Also any week ones can be eliminated before forking out for soil and feed in a larger pot.
  11. Monkeyfloss

    question about cooltube and passive intake system

    Carbon filter - fan (sucking) - cooltube (venting outside tent)
  12. Monkeyfloss

    healthy people in scooters that the store provides for the diabled.

    The rest of the worlds disabled citizens seem to manage to shop without scooters. Choose something worthwhile to get mad about.
  13. Monkeyfloss

    Fan/Filter Question & Budget Idea

    They're plenty of DIY tutorials on here if you look. I personally feel most DIY options are a false economy but goodluck, eventually i'm sure you'll come to this conclusion too.
  14. Monkeyfloss

    Filtered Sunlight, Green Lace

    hmmm.... Why did you need to camo houseplants? ...whatever. Sounds like a silly idea for numerous reasons to be honest. Firstly Cannabis needs huge amounts of 'direct' light not filtered light. Secondly, If you live in a region where cultivating cannabis needs to be hidden, a flimsy net curtain...
  15. Monkeyfloss


    it can't really be called 'common' sense if its so rare. or have i missed post-ironic humour here?
  16. Monkeyfloss

    Can i use 1 inline fan to cool off 2 small cabinets?

    Of course you can. How effective it is will be a different matter and will depend on the wattage of your lights, size of cabinets, make/model of fan, number of plants, etc etc etc. try it and let us know how it went.
  17. Monkeyfloss

    Name this STRAIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    It could be anything , nobody here will be able to tell you what strain this is. Its a bit like looking at someones face and guessing what town they come from.
  18. Monkeyfloss

    Carbon filters!!!

    Mountain air - Carbon filter. Works great and sure beats a night in jail.
  19. Monkeyfloss

    SOG Question

    My bad - and too mashed, night.
  20. Monkeyfloss

    SOG Question

    That would be possible if you were Jorge Cervantes but youre gonna find it tough to achieve those yields if youve limited experience. Youre more likey to get a quarter of that if youre super lucky. Do you realise with 30 plants your aiming to get 24oz a plant? Dont' you think thats ambitious...