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  1. inkangel420

    Replant Those Long Stretchy Stems ( Its Easy )

    good info and thread
  2. inkangel420


    lol thanks guys
  3. inkangel420


    guess im just
  4. inkangel420


    this is my first grow im growing in the cellar and im using an ozone genarator,the temp stays about 70 so i dont have a vent going outside and im growing 4 big plants and 3 that i just clipped,with 3 48" florecent lights should i be worried about helicopters spotting me?
  5. inkangel420

    Switching Light Times

    nnot sure what strain i found the seeds in my kids room after he moved out,he said they were donkey dick and ducks foot but i have 4 plants and they all look different and i am using 3 48" florecent lights and they are about 2 1/2 months old but they are about the size i want them amd they all...
  6. inkangel420

    Switching Light Times

    thanks alot
  7. inkangel420

    Switching Light Times

    when my plant reach the size i want do i just change over to 12-12 to start flowering or do i have to wait a certain time this is my first grow so im not sure:leaf:
  8. inkangel420


    ok thanks alot ill keep doing what im doin then
  9. inkangel420


    i have some plants that i started all at the same time and a few of them are way smaller than the others why is this. they r getting same light same water and nuts. just dont understand if its something i am doing or what
  10. inkangel420

    i am a first t ime grower so any advise wikk be helpful

    i am a first t ime grower so any advise wikk be helpful
  11. inkangel420


    what do i do with the baking soda and vinigar?
  12. inkangel420


    what is the best and easiest way to start a C02 system,and where can i get a tank?
  13. inkangel420


    I have transplanted 2 of my plants into buckets,should i just water the plants or wet the whole bucket? thanks
  14. inkangel420

    ozone generator

    i just bought an ozonepower 3000 ozone generator,my cellar is23'x15' and 7' high with 6 plants is this going to cover their smell?
  15. inkangel420

    mountain sping water

    growing in soil they seem to be doing great,thanks for the help
  16. inkangel420

    mountain sping water

    im new to this first time grower,and im using mountain spring water should i check th ph in it?