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  1. S

    Weird Burn. Pics. Please Help.

    Now the plant is drooping. The whole plant. Also, the plant has been under these lights for weeks. I've always kept the bulb that close and it's always been fine. I think it's a deficiency. I just watered it, put it to sleep. We'll see in the morning if it's recovered at all.
  2. S

    Weird Burn. Pics. Please Help.

    Not worried about yield. I've done this a few times and had good results. I'm using AN Big Bud and later Overdrive. I don't see boron listed on the nutrients page. Do you know if AN Big Bud will fix the def, if it is boron?
  3. S

    Weird Burn. Pics. Please Help.

    Just searched around for similar symptoms and found this- Anyone feel like it might be a boron defic? It looks a lot like that plant-
  4. S

    Weird Burn. Pics. Please Help.

    So, this plant is 30 days old today. It's been on a 12/12 for the last 7 days. Overall its been very healthy. Grown in a 2 gallon tub with FFOF soil. Also added about 2 tblspoons dolomite lime to the soil. No nutes added yet, just water. Was topped around day 10 and some LST to get a nice...
  5. S

    Need Help... Buds looking worse

    A week and a half ago you said 2 weeks. Now you say up to 4, maybe never? I'm new but I question your knowledge. Just curious, how did you end up taking the "Want to know if your plants finished" thread from fdd. I've gone back through a lot of the pages and I really think he had a strong...
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    Need Help... Buds looking worse

    Cool. Thanks. Dig your avatar btw. I just wasn't sure the little bud leafs should be turning yellow. I've seen the fans turn on other people grows, but not really the bud leafs.
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    Need Help... Buds looking worse

    Yes. Areas of the plant are completely cloudy with maybe 5% amber. Other areas, especially the newer growth still has 50% clear trychs. I wish it was done. For real.
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    Need Help... Buds looking worse

    I hit 9 weeks flowering today. As you can see it's not quite there yet. But I flushed two days ago and hope to chop next week. My concern is that the plant is looking worse and worse. The bud leafs are getting yellow and spotted. They've been doing this for a few weeks, but lately look...
  9. S

    Almost ready?

    Yeah, I do see some amber trychs but it's very few. I'd guess 5%. I'm checking the end of every day, so we'll see tonight if it looks like more. How quickly would you say the trychs turn once you see them start. Is it a short window?
  10. S

    Almost ready?

    I'd say half are cloudy and a very few, maybe 5% are amber. Areas of the plant seem to be maturing faster then others.
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    Want to Know If Your Plants are Finished?

    I'm right at 8 weeks. Was planning to flush for 3 days starting this weekend and harvest a week from today. Yeah/Nay?
  12. S

    Almost ready?

    So, my single grow bag-seed plant is exactly 8 weeks from the first time it started showing flowers (about 8.5 weeks from 12/12). I watered/fed a couple days ago and plan to flush for 3 days, so I was thinking about doing that on my next watering, which should be tomorrow or Saturday. So, I'll...
  13. S

    Weird Leaves on Buds

    Yeah, first time I've gotten to this point. These two buds just seemed to develop strangely in the last few days and wasn't sure if it was normal. Thought maybe it was something off.
  14. S

    Weird Leaves on Buds

    So, I'm about 6 weeks into flower on my single plant grow. I did a lot of LST and have about 16 tops on the plant. Last weekish I gave the plant a dose of epsom, as it started to show a Mg deficiency. It's grown under about 150watts of cfl, soil, and currently feeding it African Violet Bloom...
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    Flowering... Please help with next steps...

    Awesome. Greatly appreciate the responses. This whole process has become addicting. Can't wait to start a new plant and get better-
  16. S

    Flowering... Please help with next steps...

    Just curious of how long people think I've got left? It's been 4.5 weeks of 12/12. I plan to flush for 2 weeks but not sure when I should start that. I know the guides say total flower averages 8 weeks, so I was going to start flushing in 1.5 weeks, but since this is my first grow and I've...
  17. S

    Update on LST Flower/Brown Specs/Yellow

    So, I posted about my plant a while back ( It had brown specs which was diagnosed as Cal/Mag deficiency. My soil had no lime in it so it was suggested I add some dolomite lime powder to the surface and...
  18. S

    Need Help Bad... LST Indoor Brown Specs

    Hey massah- My local HD doesn't sell any powdered lime. They sell it in pellets. What do you think about crushing the pellets and doing the same directions? I'm assuming that'll work, yeah?
  19. S

    Need Help Bad... LST Indoor Brown Specs

    I've been watering it with distilled gallons you buy at the grocery store. I usually give it about 1/3 gallon every three days. Any longer and the leaves start to droop. I always wait til the soil is dry 3 inches down, but I'll let it go longer. I will get the dolomite lime today and follow...
  20. S

    Need Help Bad... LST Indoor Brown Specs

    So, first-time grower... bear with me. I've got this bag seed plant (don't know strain but it was killer bud) that is just about 1.5 weeks into flower. It's grown indoor under about 200w's of cfl, and as you can see I've done a lot of LST to keep it's size minimal. I originally used Miracle...