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  1. L

    Is it me or do only a select few only truly understand soil and water pH!!!!

    Bump, I'd like to hear some professional insight on whether or not you should pH your SOIL (7.0) or your WATER that goes into the soil (7.0)... how bout some ideas king? I've just recently started looking into this stuff. Peace
  2. L

    Help! Are these pictures of a male flower? Close pics:

    Not to say I don't believe you guys but just lookin for a few more opinions on the situation I've got? Thanks! Bump.
  3. L

    Help! Are these pictures of a male flower? Close pics:

    Just wondering if you experienced ones out there would maybe know what this is? The top of the cola has a couple of female pistils shooting around it, and at the end of some of the side branches as well. There are some of these flowers around the nodes too though, there are more than one bunched...
  4. L

    brownlblack spots on leaves....6th week of growing 2 week of flowering

    Hey king you still out there? I was thinking about putting up some pics of that plant's clones. They have some brown spotting going on some random leaves and a couple leaves going dark green, drying up. Gonna post up some pics tomorrow and see what you guys think!
  5. L

    Is this guy/girl? Super close pics of node:

    Quick update, still cant tell! No balls yet though, so hopefully good signs. Day 4 of flower cycle now :-) Hopefully sooooon. Will post more pics tomorrow when she wakes!
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    brownlblack spots on leaves....6th week of growing 2 week of flowering

    Thanks for the advice, next grow is prepped with like 30% perlite haha. + Rep. Will see if we can get this lady to make it to the end! Thinking it has some to do with nutes, and over watering issues. Maybe next time less water in this soil since there isn't too much perlite in there now. Edited...
  7. L

    brownlblack spots on leaves....6th week of growing 2 week of flowering

    For example perhaps? Pretty far gone but wouldn't know if it should be harvested soonish b/c of conditions? More redding hairs on plant than what can be seen in pics. Added some MG bloom nutes, a little higher in P and K a little high as well. Like 1/5ish recommended dosage. Didn't add until...
  8. L

    Should I harvest her soon?

    Man I just re-read my post and didnt realize how much of an ass I sounded like. I wasn't sure and hadn't heard of sativas being able to produce an indica type high at all. Was curious, but I'll definitely keep that in mind because I always like a little relaxation buzz. Thanks for further...
  9. L

    Should I harvest her soon?

    Yeah haha got caught up in my explanation. Definitely meant to give one example of each type of weed, and put "indica" label on both... edit! Haze is def sativa, my favorite. Thanks for input on signs of harvesting time.
  10. L

    Are my babies Ready Seem to be taking AGES ? ? :)

    It's "pistils" with horticulture, and "pistols" with guns. Just gonna toss that up :-) Different strains will go at different rates too, so like cowboy said earlier keep an eye on those trichomes! The colors may change quicker with your strain than they would with another. Going from clear, to...
  11. L

    Should I harvest her soon?

    Well ummm... there are different genetics to these plants. Trike color hasn't too much to do with what type of effects they come with? Sorry if I'm wrong here... BUT. Northern Lights Marijuana would be an "indica" strain and Haze Marijuana strains are "sativa" type. Thanks for the attempt at...
  12. L

    Should I harvest her soon?

    Thanks, I guess by popular vote the scope will be added to the cannabis kit tomorrow! Any chance on a good detailed description of what to be looking at/for?
  13. L

    Should I harvest her soon?

    Just started giving extra nutes a couple weeks ago. Only two waterings with EXTRA nutes so far. She is in high nuted soil already, but maybe they're all drained out?
  14. L

    Should I harvest her soon?

    Cant flush with this particular soil she started with. The plan is in MiracleGro Moisture Control (her clone's are NOT and will not be). However, did flush it about 5-6 weeks ago just after beginning the flower stage (people have mentioned since that this is very bad with moisture control, it...
  15. L

    Should I harvest her soon?

    Other buds seem to have more of the orange colored pistils than the still white pistils. Also, anyone out there able to tell me my deficiency here? Thanks! Bump.
  16. L

    azamax! in soil. how should i do this?

    I've finished using the application, and now I've got a HowTo for Azamax for you guys. Used it and had GREAT success with veg and flower areas. Most important, is that cannabis is way sensitive... so always start with 1/4 application from what the floral manufacturers recommend with just about...
  17. L

    Should I harvest her soon?

    I know the plant doesn't look too healthy, but she made it through budding. Don't know if I should go ahead and harvest now? Red hairs seem to be somewhere between 30-50% to the white ones... but my eye could be wrong as I have no idea how to do it perfectly :lol: What do you experts say here...
  18. L

    Exhaust ducting back-flow from outside air/weather while fans off?

    Trying to see any other ideas for my issue? Could use the backdraft damper Monkey referred me to, but I don't think the fan provides enough push to open the damper and still allow enough airflow to get hot air out of the grow box.