brownlblack spots on leaves....6th week of growing 2 week of flowering


there black.brown spots on my leave ...dont know y...2nd useing
3-300wt cfl 27ook soft white...with fox farm trio ph is 6.5 or so think i might of over fertilized if so wat do i do to fix it...and sorry my pics bad ....leaves get hard then turns colors ...started from the bottom of the plant to...
Need pics first dude! Peace

For example perhaps? Pretty far gone but wouldn't know if it should be harvested soonish b/c of conditions? More redding hairs on plant than what can be seen in pics. Added some MG bloom nutes, a little higher in P and K a little high as well. Like 1/5ish recommended dosage. Didn't add until about 5 weeks flower, this is the result after two nuted waterings in a row. Leaves have been doing this its entire flower cycle... showed small earlier signs at end of veg. Worst thing is that this particular plant is in MiracleGro Moisture Control, so hard to flush as waterings are like once every 1.5 weeks...


Well-Known Member
Too much wrong with the plant to diagnose, watering every 1.5 weeks is bad, real bad, need soil to dry every 4 to 5 days, cut the next grow with some perlite and dont use mg as its not for beginners. Peace


Well-Known Member
Also no where near ready to harvest, red hairs mean nothing, swollen calyxs and withered red hairs on most of the plant say its ready to harvest. Peace
Thanks for the advice, next grow is prepped with like 30% perlite haha. + Rep. Will see if we can get this lady to make it to the end! Thinking it has some to do with nutes, and over watering issues. Maybe next time less water in this soil since there isn't too much perlite in there now. Edited my last post in here with some more info on the situation and history. Peace


Well-Known Member
Probably nutes and water issues, moisture control aint good for mj. Use this to practice and try and halt the problem, will give good experience for next grow, here in the Uk plagron do good soils as well as biobizz, check cal/mag in your water supply and few other things eg a bit of fine dolomite lime in the soil wouldnt hurt.

It is a learning curve, should do better next time. Peace
Hey king you still out there? I was thinking about putting up some pics of that plant's clones. They have some brown spotting going on some random leaves and a couple leaves going dark green, drying up. Gonna post up some pics tomorrow and see what you guys think!


Well-Known Member
Then your probably having the same problems with the clones as the flowering mother, somthings not right and the leaves look too bad to tell on the above pictures. Peace