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  1. froghunter

    Thinking of a new light ..

    congratz my brother. really inspiring job you did. i hope you are fine in other aspects of your life as well :) (i lurk silently like a ninja :P )
  2. froghunter

    Astir Grow Led Panel Project... they offer epistar and bridgelux chips (not sure about epileds).
  3. froghunter

    Cannabinarium (Pc box/24w astir led panel /hydro dwc)

    Today i prepared some water, with: a 5-8-30 Gemma base fert plus Overdrive/Bud Candy and B-52 from Advanced Nutrients. Total EC went a little higher than expected (2.8) but tomorrow i will replace the missing water with tap water and bring it around 2.4-2.5.
  4. froghunter

    Cannabinarium (Pc box/24w astir led panel /hydro dwc)

    Hello hello, :) Late update, but i've been really busy last days (and kinda stoned/lazy to update :P ). Things are going well and the ladies start to bloat. They've gone pretty wild and conquered every corner of the given space. Some leafs are touching the leds and will continue until they are...
  5. froghunter

    My first grow, decided on a PC setup.

    Generally, every problem starting from the outside is burn from over fertilization and what starts from inside of the leaf is deficiency (i say again, very general rule). To me it seems as burn from exrta nutrients (i'm not so experienced). Maybe the soil you used is too strong for seedlings...
  6. froghunter

    Potpourri (Lemon Amnesia, White Widow, Critical Mass) - LED/Hydro Grow

    Finally the panels got the place they deserve in the tent :P Flo the hell out of the girls :)
  7. froghunter

    Cannabinarium (Pc box/24w astir led panel /hydro dwc)

    Middle of 3d week flo and the space fills as days pass. The lemon is running a little faster and will be ready earlier than the widow's (their mother took about 13-14 weeks to be ready). EC is about 1,8-1,9. Peace :)
  8. froghunter

    Cannabinarium (Pc box/24w astir led panel /hydro dwc)

    Tomorrow i enter 3rd week of flowering. I keep the EC at about 1,5 (past to weeks was about 1,2-1,4). It's a jungle now in the box and some big leaves cover some tops (should i be worrying?). Thnx man i'll check your thread later :). Now it's not possible to split. However i can change the...
  9. froghunter

    My first grow, decided on a PC setup.

    It finally popped :) As for the humidity a general opinion is veg>=50%/flo<=50%. But as dragon said it's not under your total control especially under these conditions (i've noticed at my box that stronger ventilation can lower humidity). However i use leds and the things will be different at...
  10. froghunter

    My first grow, decided on a PC setup.

    Hello brother. I can't imagine why this is keep happening to you. May i ask what soil do you use? I just thought that if your soil is too rich at nutients maybe it's harmfull for the plant. Maybe i'm wrong and thinkin crazy :P (Maybe cuz i'm stoned :P) One thing is sure. Don't give up :P (try...
  11. froghunter

    My first grow, decided on a PC setup.

    Dude i'm sorry to hear that these seeds didn't popped also. Maybe you can plant some bagseeds to see if they pop (plant one or two at a small pot next to your fem plants). I have never germinated any seed (first grow is clones :P ) so not much experience to help. You can also try to gently...
  12. froghunter

    Cannabinarium (Pc box/24w astir led panel /hydro dwc)

    Thnx for sharing your info. I got a quick glance at your grow but didn't have much time to read through all of it. I'll try that thing with with less nutes for a day. It's a great tool that hydro offers and i haven't took advantage yet :P I mean it's like a reset button :P
  13. froghunter

    Cannabinarium (Pc box/24w astir led panel /hydro dwc)

    They probably do. Iwas thinking of reducing it at 1.1 or smth but wasn't sure (first grow :P) I had some underfeeding problems at start and maybe i overdo it a little now. Plus i want them to eat as much as they can :) Thanx for the advice :)
  14. froghunter

    7 plants under 400W ASTIR LEDs in Hydro-Aero System

    Monkey hunting females in the jungle ..:twisted::twisted:
  15. froghunter

    Cannabinarium (Pc box/24w astir led panel /hydro dwc)

    Weekly update for my babies :) Yesterday i changed them water, but cuz of a mistake the water i prepared proved to be of less EC than target. During the previous week, the girls kept on with the 1.4 EC water and a descending PH action. New water is 1,3 EC! but tomorrow i will add some extra...
  16. froghunter

    My first grow, decided on a PC setup.

    don't discourage man. Keep tryin. I think if you prewater the soil well then there's no need for extra water. Maybe it won't be harmfull but i don't see a reason (maybe there's a risk if overwatered but i'm not sure). If you believe that your seeds sprout, they will ;) It's a law peace:bigjoint:
  17. froghunter

    My first grow, decided on a PC setup.

    What temperature range do you have? Though cfl they produce some heat. Are you sure the soil is moist? (don't check just the surface) Try to SPRAY a little water on the cups and see if it helps. Root needs moist to find it's way down (and consequently up :) ). When you planted the seeds, the...
  18. froghunter

    Cannabinarium (Pc box/24w astir led panel /hydro dwc)

    Hello, today it's 4 weeks veg for the ladies. 2 at their born-place and 2 in the cannabinarium. They look pretty shitty for this time of vegging as i'm noob grower :P Anyway, it's time for flowering to slowly begin. From today i start reducing light 45min/1h/45min/1h etc for the next week...
  19. froghunter

    My first grow, decided on a PC setup.

    Dude don't worry, they'll pop when they're ready to :) Keep up :)
  20. froghunter

    Astir Grow Led Panel Project...

    kWh could be a good indicator also