My first grow, decided on a PC setup.


Well-Known Member
Hey guys,

Should I be freaking out like I am right now? Lol The seeds have been in the dirt for a little over 48 hours now and no signs of them above the surface. Is this normal? When is the point where you should consider them a failure?

I am probably jumping the gun, but I thought for sure they might have popped above the surface now. Any thoughts? Thanks guys!


Active Member
It took a few days for mine to pop up. Just give it a few days and make sure not to water. I couldnt see if you 'prepped the soil (moist but not wet)

and it should take a few more days until that seed head comes up; at least for mine.

Nice case; i wish i had a taller tower. :)


Well-Known Member
It took a few days for mine to pop up. Just give it a few days and make sure not to water. I couldnt see if you 'prepped the soil (moist but not wet)

and it should take a few more days until that seed head comes up; at least for mine.

Nice case; i wish i had a taller tower. :)
Well you made me feel a little better! lol

I did pre-water the soil, just enough where water started to come out the bottom drainage holes. Did you cover yours with plastic until they came up?


Well-Known Member
on average mine seem take about 5 days from planted to emerged and shed the seed. No idea if thats typical, just been my experience.


Well-Known Member
on average mine seem take about 5 days from planted to emerged and shed the seed. No idea if thats typical, just been my experience.
Well that actually makes me feel a lot better, because I am at about the 72 hour mark of them being in the dirt and no sign of anything.


Well-Known Member
Hey guys, man I feel like I am checking on these little bastards A LOT lol

Tomorrow at 2PM will be 4 days in the soil...I hope they pop because this is killing me!

Thanks for all the input guys, guess I just have to try and ride it out!


Well-Known Member
Hey guys, man I feel like I am checking on these little bastards A LOT lol

Tomorrow at 2PM will be 4 days in the soil...I hope they pop because this is killing me!

Thanks for all the input guys, guess I just have to try and ride it out!
Patience. Your grow should teach you lots of patience. If you think this is killing you....wait till she's all frosty and getting phat, that will really test your patience then ;)


Well-Known Member
Hey guys just a little update, nothing too exciting.

Seeds have been in the dirt for a little over four days now with no sign of popping, still trying to not worry myself. I haven't watered them, and to me the soil looks and feels pretty moist still, and you can only see a little bit of dry dirt on the very top here and there. I attached some pics to show the soil as best I could. Let me know if anything looks out of the ordinary, I know there isn't much to see yet! I did take the plastic off the cups last night to see if that would help at all.

Hopefully they pop soon, cya guys!



Active Member
What temperature range do you have? Though cfl they produce some heat. Are you sure the soil is moist? (don't check just the surface)
Try to SPRAY a little water on the cups and see if it helps. Root needs moist to find it's way down (and consequently up :) ).
When you planted the seeds, the little root was facing upwards or downwards? This may affect the time seedling needs to come out.


Well-Known Member
What temperature range do you have? Though cfl they produce some heat. Are you sure the soil is moist? (don't check just the surface)
Try to SPRAY a little water on the cups and see if it helps. Root needs moist to find it's way down (and consequently up :) ).
When you planted the seeds, the little root was facing upwards or downwards? This may affect the time seedling needs to come out.
The soil seems fairly moist still, I tried spraying a little water on the cups this morning, and I know heat isn't an issue. When I planted the seeds the root was facing downwards. Trying to not get discouraged. :/ Hopefully they pop soon.


Active Member
I put plastic on top after i saw the seed pop. only for a few days though.

But I would give it a few more days. Hopefully they sprout


Well-Known Member
OK guys so my first two seeds have failed me...

It has been almost a full 7 days now and nothing above the dirt. To satisfy my curiosity I yanked one of them out and did in fact see that the root really hadn't grown any since taking it out of the moist paper towel from germinating it. Any thoughts as to what I did wrong?

Organic soil, pre-watered until some was coming out of the drainage holes at the bottom, planted seeds roots facing down, and haven't watered since as the soil has seemed pretty moist.

I need help guys, I am a sad panda right now. Lol
This is my first grow, and I don't know if I have a lighting problem or what.......I planted the following seeds 4 weeks ago today: KC Brains Afghani Feminized; KC Brains Afghani Standard; feminized UFO #1 DNA Genetics LA Woman; feminized UFO #2 Reserva Privada Sour Kush AKA Headband; and, feminized UFO #3 BlimBurn Seeds Tijuana.....Most of them germinated within 2 days. I am using flourescent lights, through a "system" I read online: a mixture of Full Spectrum and Soft white lights, 40 watt bulbs (I could not afford anything else at the time, nor do I know of any other BETTER lights to use).....Ph is between 6.5 and 7.....From all accounts, that is a good Ph.....They are now in 5 gallon buckets with 2" of lava rock in the bottom and a good mixture of potting soil on top.....They are 4 weeks old and are only about 4" tall, on average......Most of them have 3 sets of leaves, with the newest set having 3 "fingers".....The lower leaves are yellowing and the others above them are beginning to yellow.....I give each plant a pint of water every 2-3 days.....and I use a VERY mild solution of MiracleGro/water every other watering (10 small drops of MiracleGro per quart) about once a week...From what I've read all over the internet, they are NO WHERE as big as they should be for 4 weeks old. MAYBE they are not getting enough light....This is my first grow.......Any suggestions? If readers believe I do have a lighting problem, please help and use "laymen" terms because I am not very familiar at all with this.....I do appreciate all replies as these plants do not look anything like I thought they would at this point......Thanks for your replies.



Well-Known Member
This is my first grow, and I don't know if I have a lighting problem or what.......I planted the following seeds 4 weeks ago today: KC Brains Afghani Feminized; KC Brains Afghani Standard; feminized UFO #1 DNA Genetics LA Woman; feminized UFO #2 Reserva Privada Sour Kush AKA Headband; and, feminized UFO #3 BlimBurn Seeds Tijuana.....Most of them germinated within 2 days. I am using flourescent lights, through a "system" I read online: a mixture of Full Spectrum and Soft white lights, 40 watt bulbs (I could not afford anything else at the time, nor do I know of any other BETTER lights to use).....Ph is between 6.5 and 7.....From all accounts, that is a good Ph.....They are now in 5 gallon buckets with 2" of lava rock in the bottom and a good mixture of potting soil on top.....They are 4 weeks old and are only about 4" tall, on average......Most of them have 3 sets of leaves, with the newest set having 3 "fingers".....The lower leaves are yellowing and the others above them are beginning to yellow.....I give each plant a pint of water every 2-3 days.....and I use a VERY mild solution of MiracleGro/water every other watering (10 small drops of MiracleGro per quart) about once a week...From what I've read all over the internet, they are NO WHERE as big as they should be for 4 weeks old. MAYBE they are not getting enough light....This is my first grow.......Any suggestions? If readers believe I do have a lighting problem, please help and use "laymen" terms because I am not very familiar at all with this.....I do appreciate all replies as these plants do not look anything like I thought they would at this point......Thanks for your replies. Jacking


Well-Known Member
OK guys so my first two seeds have failed me...

It has been almost a full 7 days now and nothing above the dirt. To satisfy my curiosity I yanked one of them out and did in fact see that the root really hadn't grown any since taking it out of the moist paper towel from germinating it. Any thoughts as to what I did wrong?

Organic soil, pre-watered until some was coming out of the drainage holes at the bottom, planted seeds roots facing down, and haven't watered since as the soil has seemed pretty moist.

I need help guys, I am a sad panda right now. Lol
Sorry to hear about your bad luck. I've only germinated 3 seeds, but haven't had any problems yet. I did one naturally, and 2 using the shot glass method. Did you dig both up or just the one? Maybe one was a dud. *shrugs*

How deep did you plant them? I shoot for about 1/4" deep.

Temperature? Should be in the mid 70s - low 80s


Your lights were on, right?

Was your soil packed too tight?


Well-Known Member
Sorry to hear about your bad luck. I've only germinated 3 seeds, but haven't had any problems yet. I did one naturally, and 2 using the shot glass method. Did you dig both up or just the one? Maybe one was a dud. *shrugs*

How deep did you plant them? I shoot for about 1/4" deep.

Temperature? Should be in the mid 70s - low 80s


Your lights were on, right?

Was your soil packed too tight?
Thanks for the input man, I have considered all of these things and I truly think I may have planted the seeds just too deep. Question to you and the others out there though. I have read two different schools of thought online.

One is that after you germ the seed you put it in the dirt, cover it with plastic, and put it somewhere dark until it sprouts.

Second is that after you germ the seed you put it in the dirt, leave it uncovered, and under full lights at a proper temp.


Thanks again guys, I currently have two more seeds in water right now and am going to give it another go with better planting of the seed. I am disappointed but not defeated! lol


Well-Known Member
I tend to let nature do it's thing where possible. First time ever, I just planted it 1/4" deep covered it loosely, watered it and it did it's thing. I've recently done 2 via the shot glass method (soaking them for 12-24hrs until they sink) then planting them 1/4" deep and loosely covered them, watered and they came above ground. I've left the lights on 24hrs until it sprouted...and I've done 18/6 until it sprouted.

I'm not the most experienced at it that's for sure, but so far I'm 3-0.


Well-Known Member
I tend to let nature do it's thing where possible. First time ever, I just planted it 1/4" deep covered it loosely, watered it and it did it's thing. I've recently done 2 via the shot glass method (soaking them for 12-24hrs until they sink) then planting them 1/4" deep and loosely covered them, watered and they came above ground. I've left the lights on 24hrs until it sprouted...and I've done 18/6 until it sprouted.

I'm not the most experienced at it that's for sure, but so far I'm 3-0.
Hmmmm, I wonder what the hell I did wrong then? Maybe planted to deep...

This might be a dumb question, but if I pre-water my soil and then plant the seed and cover it with a little bit of soil, should I again pour a little water directly over the seed or no? Thanks!


Active Member
don't discourage man. Keep tryin.
I think if you prewater the soil well then there's no need for extra water.
Maybe it won't be harmfull but i don't see a reason (maybe there's a risk if overwatered but i'm not sure).
If you believe that your seeds sprout, they will ;) It's a law
