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  1. B

    Seed Purchase

    Just completed my first grow , lota mistakes but got a small amount of good tasting and mind blowing bud from it. I want to try again and looking to by some Feminized seeds. Found and the prices are amazing. Before I order does anyone have any feedback on them...
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    Seeds on buds

    bongsmilieThanks everyone I was just curious and I knew folks on here would have the answer. And Tommy you wont lose the farm with that bet,,,,first grow plenty of mistakes made but have been able to recover....I think I like this and will be back with more newbie questions...Thanks again
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    Seeds on buds

    thanks, I dont know if I have seeds yet still flowering I was asking just in case I see some when curing. Nusky I have been flowering for about six weeks and a guess would be another 1 to 2 weeks before they are ready. Is this considered overflowering ? I blew it when trying to clone [half...
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    Seeds on buds

    Hey newbie question, if I started with feminized seeds would it be safe to assume if the plants produce seeds they will be feminized also? This is an indoor grow if that makes a difference. thanks
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    Hydrofam FLCO125D fluoresent light

    Thanks Tiger, I was kinda thinking along those lines. plan on cloning and using this light to get them going. I will probally go with fewer plants next time. I am growing for my own use and dont need a farm. Sounds like a light upgrade will be my next move, and I will listen to you on the HPS...
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    Hydrofam FLCO125D fluoresent light

    First grow and need to ask about lighting. I bought a hydofarm flco125d light with reflector. Plants (7) just entered veg state. Do I have to switch lighting to get through flowering stage or can I continue with this set up and reap any herb at the end. the plants are about 6 inchs and are super...
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    New Bee

    Thanks for the welcome, wouldn't it be nice if everyone puffed...... better world.
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    New Bee

    High everyone, Im new to the growing scene and like most got started because of price for street weed. I quit 30 yrs ago (smoking) to raise a family but Im now retired and back in the game. Started with fem seeds and a little grow light and have some nice seedlings just entering veg state. I...