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  1. P

    What's going on with my plant? Please help!!

    I lift the cups to tell myself when to water again and usually it's dry a couple inches down atleast before I water again
  2. P

    Leaving for vacation..

    So i'm leaving for a 4 day vacation and I don't have anyone to look after my plants. They're vegetating and only a week and a half old and in small cups. Should I transplant them to a bigger pot before I leave and maybe give them a little more water than usual or would this be a bad idea? anyone...
  3. P

    What's going on with my plant? Please help!!

    I have seen/heard many people who use FFOF for seedlings and say they're successful. I'm sure someone will come in here and tell you that too
  4. P

    What's going on with my plant? Please help!!

    definitelycould be. I haven't tested the pH at all. I'll be sure to do so
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    What's going on with my plant? Please help!!

    i was just thinking maybe it was from the nutes already in the soil cause i've heard FFOF can be too harsh at first.
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    What's going on with my plant? Please help!!

    at first i ignored the problem but now it seems to be getting worse. The edge of the leaves can just crack off. Some of my other plants seem to be starting to have the same problem but this one is the worst. I'm using FoxFarm Ocean Forest soil. Do you think it may be nutrient burn? or maybe a...
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    leaves are very droopy and seem pruney

    im using FFOF with no nutes besides what is in the soil. alright thanks I'll make sure to water it less. I thought this was probably the problem
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    leaves are very droopy and seem pruney

    alright thanks that makes me feel better. and yeah i did actually mean pruney cause it seems like the leaves on this plant are shriveled compared to the others. but that may just be genetics. Also one of the plants under the same light is turning yellow around the edges. what could cause this?
  9. P

    leaves are very droopy and seem pruney

    So today i checked on my plants and a couple of them seem to have droopy leaves. Any clue if this has anything to do with being underwatered/overwatered or could this just a PH issue? I'm using water from the tap and leaving it for 24 hours before using it on my plants but I've never tested the...
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    My First Grow

    So this is my very first grow. I'm using my closet and 4 cfl's. I plant on growing 4-5 plants for now. CFL's are 23 watts each (400 watts equivalent) tonight it's about 75 and closet air temp remains at about 85 right now w/o room ac running. I'm working off a low budget and taking things one...
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    Cheap ideas for closet exhaust

    alright so you think if the temps are in the 70-85 range I may not even need an exhaust? or is it still mandatory for fresh c02?
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    Cheap ideas for closet exhaust

    I plan on growing 5 plants in my closet with cfl's. about how many lights do you think I will need? Also my closet is located under the attic but what would be the best way to exhaust to the attic without costing too much?
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    How Long Until The Strain Is Recognizable?

    I bought 9 seeds off a friend that were supposedly bubblegum seeds. I was wondering how long after growing, would it take for me to be able to tell if they were in fact "bubblegum." Are there any specific characteristics that this plant reveals that could help me determine if they are real?
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    Mr Cannabi's Stealth CFL Twilight Grow 156 Watts

    i have basically the same cabinet so i might give it try
  15. P

    Do plants smell during vegetation?

    I want to let the plants vegetate in my closet and then I will place them somewhere else for flowering. My concern is whether the plant will have odor before I begin to flower. and if so would it be minor and not too noticeable?
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    No ventilation for the first 2 weeks

    What if I'm unable to leave the door open all the time since i'm trying to be stealth? should I atleast get a fan circulating some air in there?
  17. P

    No ventilation for the first 2 weeks

    So i plan to start growing indoors for the first couple weeks and then moving the plants outdoors to finish the growing cycle. My only problem is there is no ventilation in my closet. Is there anything I can do or is it not too big of a deal since it's only the first 2 weeks? Sorry I'm new...