leaves are very droopy and seem pruney


So today i checked on my plants and a couple of them seem to have droopy leaves. Any clue if this has anything to do with being underwatered/overwatered or could this just a PH issue? I'm using water from the tap and leaving it for 24 hours before using it on my plants but I've never tested the PH. any suggestions would be appreciated.

Hi Proze,

Your plant looks fine to me! Leaves will droop a little after a watering or if over watered. No big deal, just wait until the top layer of soil is dry before next watering. I assume you meant puny and not prunny..I do not know if its because of the camera angle, but get your plant in a bigger pot, like 1 gallon, for now. Make sure you always have a fan gently blowing so that the plant moves a little with air circulation. This will ensure stem growth. If you have your lights on a regular scheduel, when your plant does get bigger, you will notice the leaves drooping an hour or so before the lights go out. This is completely normal. You can go on youtube and watch tons of timelapse videos and see for yourself, the leaves droop and go up again everyday.

:leaf:BC's Finest:leaf:


Hi Proze,

Your plant looks fine to me! Leaves will droop a little after a watering or if over watered. No big deal, just wait until the top layer of soil is dry before next watering. I assume you meant puny and not prunny..I do not know if its because of the camera angle, but get your plant in a bigger pot, like 1 gallon, for now. Make sure you always have a fan gently blowing so that the plant moves a little with air circulation. This will ensure stem growth. If you have your lights on a regular schedule, when your plant does get bigger, you will notice the leaves drooping an hour or so before the lights go out. This is completely normal. You can go on youtube and watch tons of timelapse videos and see for yourself, the leaves droop and go up again everyday.

:leaf:BC's Finest:leaf:
alright thanks that makes me feel better. and yeah i did actually mean pruney cause it seems like the leaves on this plant are shriveled compared to the others. but that may just be genetics. Also one of the plants under the same light is turning yellow around the edges. what could cause this?


Active Member
that is way overwatered! Notice the prunelike leaves that seem to be drooping down (they are actually bent down and full of moisture) Seedlings like that need only 10-15ml of water with your waterings and you need to let it dry out or almost dry before you water again.

once or twice a week is what I have found to do the trick. Overwatering is actually a huge issue with alot of growers. I myself started a grow and overwatered for 2 weeks. Guess what happend? I got droopy, stunted, weak, and deficient seedlings.

never water the whole pot with a seedling. thats way to much for it :) I see the amount of moisture in your pictures.


Do you have pics? What kind of soil are you using? Does the soil have fertilizer in it? Did you feed them nutes? If so, what and how much?
im using FFOF with no nutes besides what is in the soil.

that is way overwatered! Notice the prunelike leaves that seem to be drooping down (they are actually bent down and full of moisture) Seedlings like that need only 10-15ml of water with your waterings and you need to let it dry out or almost dry before you water again.

once or twice a week is what I have found to do the trick. Overwatering is actually a huge issue with alot of growers. I myself started a grow and overwatered for 2 weeks. Guess what happend? I got droopy, stunted, weak, and deficient seedlings.

never water the whole pot with a seedling. thats way to much for it
I see the amount of moisture in your pictures
alright thanks I'll make sure to water it less. I thought this was probably the problem


Active Member
ffof is goooooood stuff ;) Thats what i use :D

Just be careful with your watering. But remember there is a fine line between
I think i should water tomarrow
Shit i should have watered yesterday!
Don't let this guy freak you out, its really not that bad. Your plant has nice healthy green leaves, nothing to worry about. Cut back the watering, if the leaves continue to yellow come back here, lol.

:leaf:BC's Finest:leaf: