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  1. JaneIrie420

    White Widow and Mystery

    Started some seedling of white widow and a mystery seed from my hubby's uncle. They've sprouted, and now we have them in a little dome to make females (Fingers crossed it works!) after they are big enough (and the weather is better) they are going outside to finish the grow. I'm just curious...
  2. JaneIrie420

    3 Days Till Harvest!!!!

    well the cutting was done by my boyfriend. He already got cussed at for it. he thought it would help get more light to the buds.. but alright I'm gonna keep waiting. smokedogg69, you're plants are beautiful. i wish mine got that big. hahaha. Next season, I'm building a greenhouse.
  3. JaneIrie420

    3 Days Till Harvest!!!!

    well I'll watch her for a while longer, but we've been told by a delivery service that it should be ready wednesday or thursday. She's been growing since June 21st. Flowering since.. like Mid July.
  4. JaneIrie420

    3 Days Till Harvest!!!!

    I'm so freaking excited!!!! She's a shorty, but she's got some BOMB on her. dense, sticky goodness. :) what would be the best way to harvest this lil gal?? I've heard of just cutting her down and hanging her upside down in a cool area, since she's just like a bush lollipop figure.
  5. JaneIrie420

    Flowering Early?

    okay thank you everyone!!!
  6. JaneIrie420

    Flowering Early?

    I'm a She. hehe. =]
  7. JaneIrie420

    Flowering Early?

    I got a clone from a medical club June 21st. Not sure how old she was, but she was small.. anyways, she's been outside full time, and it seems she's flowering already?? WTF. lol here are some pics, please tell me I'm wrong. or if she is, what can I do, is there something I can do to get her back...
  8. JaneIrie420

    First Time

    So it's my first time growing, got the clone from a collective. It's the Harlequin strain, apparently has high CBD which is rare, anyways, just want to make sure I'm doing everything right, I'm growing her organically. Currently she's been getting watered every other day with Bat Guano water...
  9. JaneIrie420

    First Time

    okay, but here's where i get confused, people grow in forests... plant them in the ground, how do they give the hours the plants need? All I've been around is indoor and it's way to complicated for me, so assuming from what i've just seen in photos and read in stories, people who plant them in...
  10. JaneIrie420

    First Time

    but if it's outdoor then for the light hours i'll need to put her into a room?
  11. JaneIrie420

    First Time

    Hello!!! I am a 215 patient and just started growing. Now I have a few questions, I got a clone from a club, growing outdoor organic. Do I need to do anything specific to send it into flowering? Is it necessary to transplant them? (IT IS NOT IN THE GROUND. It is in a pot) It's still very...
  12. JaneIrie420

    Welcome New Members!

    Hello!!! I am Cayla and on occasion my boyfriend Mike. We are 215 patients and just started growing. Now we have a few questions, hope you don't mind me posting them here... We got a clone from a club, growing outdoor organic. Do I need to do anything specific to send it into flowering? Is it...