First Time


Hello!!! I am a 215 patient and just started growing. Now I have a few questions, I got a clone from a club, growing outdoor organic. Do I need to do anything specific to send it into flowering? Is it necessary to transplant them? (IT IS NOT IN THE GROUND. It is in a pot) It's still very young, gave it a little bat guano :D and it's already perking up from the move from club to my house ( was a 2hr ride in a hot car ) but pretty much I just need any advice for organic outdoor, I did look threw the forums and couldn't find anything that helped me and my situation. thanks!


okay, but here's where i get confused, people grow in forests... plant them in the ground, how do they give the hours the plants need? All I've been around is indoor and it's way to complicated for me, so assuming from what i've just seen in photos and read in stories, people who plant them in the ground let nature do the rest and it ends up fine??? :s

I'm baked and could possibly be over analyzing things. I have a habit of doing that. haha