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  1. IslandDelight

    Like my plant disguise???

    dude your plants will outgrow those flowers shortly. Hide my outdoor plants among bushes, small trees, foilage and such. Bitches get big! But camouflage is the way to go when avoiding your outdoorsy neighbors
  2. IslandDelight

    robbed for an oz

    mannnnnnnnn getting beat for an oz sucks but there's lot worse. If you run into the kid, handle your shit but I wouldn't go looking for him, no matter how deep you roll. It's never worth what can be brought on from that. Hurting people (especially those who had zero to do with it!) is pointless...
  3. IslandDelight

    Blue Widow-250hps from seed

    DONE! everything is hanging to dry now. 65 seeds if anybody is interested in dinafems blue widow? lol I have to admit I think I chopped early. Once again, this vacation really left me no choice. But I am not worried. Many outdoor plants, some new indoor starting when I get back...all is good in...
  4. IslandDelight

    Blue Widow-250hps from seed

    OOPS! so started harvesting my BW yesterday afternoon. Stop for a cheesecake break, but then my stomach hurts. Lay down with my bowl and try and shake it off so I can get back to trimming and beforeI know it I'm waking up and it's now on this here beautiful day, I can spend blinds...
  5. IslandDelight

    My first crop..

    thumbs up bro!
  6. IslandDelight

    how much do you smoke a day?

    usually around a gram. bowl in the morning, and another 2 after work
  7. IslandDelight

    Do you trust ecstasy pills?

    I don't indulge often, but when I do, the general consensus of the group is always "fuck it and roll" Always try to get the same all the pills the same when getting em for you and whoever you're rolling with have one person drop half of one, someone that knows e. They will get the slight...
  8. IslandDelight

    what are some good seed brands to work with?

    well you compared them to dog shit. Actually, you hold dog shit to a higher value than Nirvanas seeds. I was just making the case that they are at least EQUAL to dog shit, and although dog shit doesn't barter well in any market, I would certainly trade any amount of dog shit for seeds if given...
  9. IslandDelight

    what are some good seed brands to work with?

    idk man, my northern lights from them have been nothing but super hardy and tough, quick and big growers, and high yielders. Every seed fem, every seed germ. About to start their ak48 outside too. Haven't been let down yet
  10. IslandDelight

    dog sitting

    I haven't personally been the owner of a dog like this but I have a friend that owns 3 huskies and a bull dog. One husky is the alpha and they run as a pack, even the bull dog falls in with them. it's quite a scene
  11. IslandDelight

    Going to paranormal places on psychedelics

    This is a wonderful idea! Scary as shit for sure, but oh man the experience would be great. I've always steered clear of inducing fear while trippin dick...some new things to consider I must
  12. IslandDelight

    How often do you personally pull an all nighter?

    I work early mornings and weekends, but also like to party. So if I go out on a work night, I'm probably rocking all the way through work the next day...otherwise, asleep by 10
  13. IslandDelight

    How Much is an Ounce of Bud in your Area

    $400 if ya want just one and it will be of the highest quality 4 out of 5 times...this is why i grow
  14. IslandDelight

    Blue Widow-250hps from seed

    pictures!!!!! these are from earlier in the week. She's really coming to a close now. Going to wrap her up and chop in 7 days. Really finishing out perfectly with the timeline I allowed myself (in retrospect I should have allowed myself more time, I'm lucky this time) I'll update next week...
  15. IslandDelight

    metal halide question

    Sounds like you'll be fine. Hey, if it's more like natural sun don't you think you'd be better off? If I could park the sun in my closet I'd be one happy grower!
  16. IslandDelight

    First Grow under the Texas sun.

    why mix 4 soils? just curious. for outdoor, I just switched from FFOF to roots organics, and I'm never going back! I feed my girls straight water and the soil has everything they need in it. Stuffs great (thanks local hydro store for recommending) Alas, the more the we grow, the better handle...
  17. IslandDelight

    i'm giving away $10,001 precise as those cupcakes are, I bet they taste like garbage....unless you were stoned, then you'd have a delicious super fancy cupcake right there