Help my plants are close to harvest but i dont know when to cut them..?


Hey everyone, got a couple of plants that are approaching the harvest stage but it's my first time so i could use some help please.
My main concern is this one which is 17 weeks old IMG_4056.jpg IMG_41002222233.jpg
and this one's 15 weeks IMG_40585346457.jpgIMG_4065............jpgIMG_4062..00000.jpg.

They've been under 12/12 for about two monts now. Can someone please take a look and tell me when will be the right time to harvest? Thanks any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

Hugo Phurst

Well-Known Member
Definately not ready. From what I can see, a month. Need better, closer pics, and a really tight close-up of the bud (macro).

It won't be ready until after the pistils have turned colour and shrunk, the buds have fattened up by 30 - 50%, and the growth on top of the buds has swollen.

Best way to tell, get a magnifier and check the condition of the trichs....clear = immature, cloudy = ripe, amber = past peak.
You'll want a mix, a few clear, mostly cloudy, and 5 to 20% amber.

Hope that helps.


Well-Known Member
what kind of seeds you use they look like sativa looks like you still have a bit to go you need a 30x microscope there only like $10 when the tricomes are mostly cloudy to amber some like to wait till their mostly amber for a heavier smoke but lower thc higher cbd
all depends on what your growing some sativa plants take over 16 weeks of 12/12 light to reach maturaty but their are indicas that can finish in 7 weeks your best off ordering seeds so you know the quality and flower times the only way is to look at it under a microscope espeacally if you don't know the strain


Well-Known Member
Definetely sativa-dominant plants. Pistils look to be still all white so you got a couple weeks to go.
Note the droopy close trim leaves in the later pix. That's usually a sign of over- or under-watering.
I'll bet it is under-watering. Now is a good time to flush all your plants, a couple weeks before harvest.



Active Member
It looks like you've got quite a ways left. If you are 8 weeks (2 months) into bloom and they are only that big you must have sativas. Those leaves definitely look like sativa leaves. Sativas can take much longer than 8 weeks to finish... up to 12-16 weeks. BTW, you should start keeping time at when you send them into bloom, not at when they sprout (unless you're doing autoflower plants)... meaning, the numbers "15 wks" and "17wks" don't really mean much. A better way to describe them is 8 wks and 6 wks.


I think its a hybrid. Its called Hawaiian Grinspoon, gottem off a dude that worked in Barney's Coffeeshop (Amsterdam). The father's Hawaiian Haze and the mother's Dr. Grinspoon. He never mentioned the flowering time so thats why i'm in this position!


Well-Known Member
Grinspoon can take at least 18 weeks of flowering, if it is a grinspoon dominant pheno the buds don't really grow too much, you just get calyxes growing on the stems, not big flowers. That being said it is a super sativa high and some of the dearest weed they sell in Amsterdam (although price doesn't always mean it is the best).

To be honest you could have anything from 4-8 weeks of flowering left depending on phenotype.

Good luck, DST

and don't cut it early, or you will just get wed that gives you a high for a few seconds then a sore head.... and for a starter grower I would recommend checking out some easier to grow strains.

I think its a hybrid. Its called Hawaiian Grinspoon, gottem off a dude that worked in Barney's Coffeeshop (Amsterdam). The father's Hawaiian Haze and the mother's Dr. Grinspoon. He never mentioned the flowering time so thats why i'm in this position!


Active Member
got to say this guys right SATIVAS are a pain in the arse they can take fucking months before you get the right colour trics, its just a waiting game pal , and keep yer eye on the feed .... you know what they say "good things come to those that wait" and in the case wae SATIVAS that is so true
you have a least 3 plus weeks

Philly xG

Active Member
try 100 days maybe 110 i just got done with a grinspoon at 100 and could have gone longer but couldnt wait! its well worth it


I've just entered week 10, heres a couple of pictures. week10.1.jpgweek10.2.jpg The bottom of the plant isn't nearly as devoloped as the cola so i'm not sure when to cut. Someone suggested i just cut the cola part off for now and give the bottom of the plant a couple more weeks to develop, or is the cutting a one time thing? Please help.


Well-Known Member
I've just entered week 10, heres a couple of pictures. View attachment 2204162View attachment 2204175 The bottom of the plant isn't nearly as devoloped as the cola so i'm not sure when to cut. Someone suggested i just cut the cola part off for now and give the bottom of the plant a couple more weeks to develop, or is the cutting a one time thing? Please help.
mate u got tiiime to go yet no shit,,,take a look at journals ul see that your buds anrnt swelling or bursting and u got huge white hairs still....gotta love sativas lmao bet u got a 14-15 week strain rite ther---get sum boosts n shit added then 5-7 day flush at the end that 2 wek flush noncence is exctly that nincense


Well-Known Member
I've just entered week 10, heres a couple of pictures. View attachment 2204162View attachment 2204175 The bottom of the plant isn't nearly as devoloped as the cola so i'm not sure when to cut. Someone suggested i just cut the cola part off for now and give the bottom of the plant a couple more weeks to develop, or is the cutting a one time thing? Please help.
​i don't know how close you think you are but i'd say your still 4weeks off.......... ;-)


Well-Known Member
Yeah pull up a couch and relax. This is the hardest time to get past.
Its hard to not freak out and chop their heads off.


Well-Known Member
Cheap easy way to check, go to radio shack and buy a $15.00 100x microscope use that microscope to check your trichomes. Clear trichomes = not ready , cloudy trichomes = mostly cerebral high, amber trichomes = body high.. Most growers shoot for a combination or cloudy and amber trichomes.


Well-Known Member
The only problem i sthat they do not develope at the same time and as more bud packs on guess what
new trichromes. But I trust them much more than any other factor


Well-Known Member
Over a month it looks like left.. So no not close to Harvest haha.

If you kill those poor girls now all is lost and product is shyt..

Patience young Jedi.