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  1. S

    Whats with my leaves? +rep

    My leaves are showing signs of my plant being stressed... possibly some kind of definciency? Initially i thought it may be a pest problem but i think Im still clear of bugs.. touch wood!PLants seem to be growing fine.. in week 2 flowering. growing a variety of strains in NFT 901.. Some leaves...
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    white dots black dots brown dots... im getting worried.

    Currently using Dutch master gold range zone and cannazyme. Would anyone recommend using a pest strip? Any other additives? Any sprays? I am willing to do anything to control the situation until harvest.
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    white dots black dots brown dots... im getting worried.

    I don't think its a ph problem. When I add my nutes to tap water left for a few hours.. Check ph after an hour or so and it has shifted to 5.5 itself without the use of ph down. I am using canna aqua So housing think it's an infestation? Please write your thoights.. So Many views so...
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    white dots black dots brown dots... im getting worried.

    :D pics under hps light... best i could do without waiting having to wait for the suns to set
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    white dots black dots brown dots... im getting worried.

    This is my worst affected. The leaves on this girl seem to be curling up as if the plant is being attacked.. Leaf is drying up and dying.
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    white dots black dots brown dots... im getting worried.

    hey guys n girls i was wondering if anybody could help me. I am noticing an increasing problem of dots on my leaves.. I thought it was an old problem from when i had a slight case of damping off which seems to have sorted itself out with the use of Dutch Master Gold Range Zone (i would...
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    white dots black dots brown dots... im getting worried.

    This is my worst affected. The leaves on this girl seem to be curling up as if the plant is being attacked.. Leaf is drying up and dying.
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    white dots black dots brown dots... im getting worried.

    hey guys n girls i was wondering if anybody could help me. I am noticing an increasing problem of dots on my leaves.. I thought it was an old problem from when i had a slight case of damping off which seems to have sorted itself out with the use of Dutch Master Gold Range Zone (i would highly...
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    Damping off ???!! Please help!

    I am just asking for confirmation on advice I have been given from other on forums.. this is the only way I can research. I was told to mix 3% h2o2 in quarter Ltr of water and spray.. Is this bullsh"" then? From using the formula 10*v/c v=volume of res c=concentration of h2o2 I assume from a...
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    Damping off ???!! Please help!

    Repect to u buds. Jus covered tops of the rockwool will sprinkles of cinnamon powder.. I figured why not supposedly it can't do any harm and has helps many people from damping from what iv read. Went to the shop before I read your reply and bought 6% h2o2 from the chemist.Will keep your advice...
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    Damping off ???!! Please help!

    not yet using h2o2. Will start using today most likely. Would you recomend h2o2?
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    Damping off ???!! Please help!

    Other plants in the same system using same nutes seem to be fine and healthy. All together there are 30 seedlings.. I can afford to lose a like maybe the four worst affected.. but need to prevent it from spreading to all the plants!!
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    Damping off ???!! Please help!

    sorry about the quality of camera. Plants are 3 weeks from seed. in nft EC 1.2 staying stable. PH 6. From recent research, mixing table spoon 3% hydrogen peroxide in quater Ltr of water and spraying plants will help ?? Can any one back this? Also sprinkle cinamon on top of the rockwool? Have...
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    Damping off ???!! Please help!

    Hi some of the plants in my room are wilting while others aren't. The wilted ones are the ones with brownish parts of stalk which is thinner than the rest of the stalk. These symptoms sound like they're damping off? Please see the pictures any advice Is. Priceless.. Is there any...
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    why are these young'ns so droopy? See Pics please!

    Thanks for the info! There are a few factors that aren't bang on the money.. Mostly the environment of the room cos it's suddenly gone f'''ing freezing outside which is affecting my grow room temp massively.. And it doesn't helP that my lights-off hours are during the night. I was lazy about...
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    why are these young'ns so droopy? See Pics please!

    Hi there, These autoflowers have been in their nft tray for around a week now. roots are starting to find their way through the spreader mat. I have two nft trays and the young girls in one tray are showing much more wilting than the others. EC is stable at 1.2 Ph 6.0 I have a fan connected...
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    32 Autoflowers. How Many Magnum 357 LEDs? Calling all LED Users!

    I want to stay away from hps lights as I cannot afford to run them for 20-24 hours a day and the thought of that amount of heat scares me!
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    32 Autoflowers. How Many Magnum 357 LEDs? Calling all LED Users!

    So what do you guys use for veg stages? Would t5 be sufficient for the whole life of an autoflower? I understand they don't penetrate much light when plants get more bushier but autoflowers tend to stay quite short. What power t5 do you guys use to cover what area? Please give me some figures...
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    32 Autoflowers. How Many Magnum 357 LEDs? Calling all LED Users!

    Also, have you seen the magnum 357 LEDs in action.? Manu growers are reporting yields of over a g/watt which suggests new LEDs are on par with 'old school' light forms. Just a little more expensive. Anybody agree?