why are these young'ns so droopy? See Pics please!


Active Member
Hi there,

These autoflowers have been in their nft tray for around a week now. roots are starting to find their way through the spreader mat.

I have two nft trays and the young girls in one tray are showing much more wilting than the others.

EC is stable at 1.2 Ph 6.0

I have a fan connected to 4 x 600w cooltubes over two NFT 901 trays

Lights are on 20/4 with temps staying around 22C 70F during lights but dropping massively to as low as 12C 50F during the four hours of night.!

Pumps are on for 15 mins every 2 hours..

Over watering? Too Cold?

Please help



Well-Known Member
wow, 2400watts for that, man you must be rich! but seriously it's a waste, one would be enough at this point. how big is the area?

anyway the problem is not enough oxygen for the roots. in soil this would be a result of overwatering, but in hydro it's usually due to not enough oxygen in the water. in that case I'd space up the waterings a bit more, and maybe some h2o2. 12c is indeed a bit too low, but i don't think is the source of the problem.


Well-Known Member
pay attention to when they droop, if its during the night when it gets cold thats probly the problem. Im going through this right now because my room goes from about 75-80 lights on to 60 lights off. now that my girls are getting bigger n used to it they look good. (view my sog thread) now if they are alway droopy yes it might be from lack of o2, add an air pump or yes some h202 once a week. your younger leaves will start dying an patches of dark brown will appear on lower leafs working up. but keep us updated an have a growtastic day.


Active Member
Thanks for the info! There are a few factors that aren't bang on the money.. Mostly the environment of the room cos it's suddenly gone f'''ing freezing outside which is affecting my grow room temp massively.. And it doesn't helP that my lights-off hours are during the night.
I was lazy about installing the air pump and stones.. Did that yesterday actually so hopefully when I go down today I will see the world of difference.
If not I will get a heater in ther on a timer for night hours.
I know it is so much more than I need.. My first grow and I figured Id rather have too much than too less.. I'm learning more and more things everyday.. On my way to fine-tuning my methods. AlsO I havnt had my elec bill through yet I'm sure this will put me off using all 4 lights on kids in the future lol.
My room is 3m x 3m I have a two long nft trays which are 2m long and 50cm wide each. 15 autos per tray.
I'll keep you posted guys thanks again! happy tuesday!


New Member
A bit cold day and night. You need to get your day temps up to 78-80. And keep those night temps above 60, 65 is better, and I bet they will perk up....