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  1. NewAge Haze

    Ash as fertilizer

    Let me know how that works out. If it does that would be pretty awesome.
  2. NewAge Haze

    Hey guys i need an opinion about my light schedule please.

    Get a timer you can plug your lights into, saves a lot of trouble.
  3. NewAge Haze

    Is it ok to mix lights?

    I know this might sound like a weird question but right now the light that i'm using is a pretty decent fluorescent but it is kind of small so it's not reaching the lower leaves. I was wondering if it would be ok to put an extra, small normal fluorescent light more in line with lower leaves...
  4. NewAge Haze

    Traveling the World

    To do something like that on foot would be tuff, more so if you are doing it alone. But i think that if someone really wanted to do it and had a good amount of money and backpack full of things you need to live it would be possible. I would need like 3lbs of weed to even consider something like...
  5. NewAge Haze

    NORML Petition for New Marijuana Law

    So the group by the name of "NORML" has a petition going on for HR 2306 that will put an end to the Prohibition of Marijuana. They are only 2k votes away and can use all the help they can get. I ask anyone here that wants weed to have a chance to be legal to vote...
  6. NewAge Haze

    Bottom Leaves Yellowing?

    So i noticed the bottem leaves of my plant starting to turn yellow a few days ago, does anyone know why this would be happening?
  7. NewAge Haze

    How does my plant look?

    Thanks guys, i appreciate the feed back
  8. NewAge Haze

    How does my plant look?

    I'm not totally sure about the pot size but i'm using a 500 watt Fluorescent light thats sitting about 2 inches above the plant, i put my hand where the plant is to make sure there is no over heating. And i'm watering about every 2 - 3 days now.
  9. NewAge Haze

    How does my plant look?

    Hey guys, this is my first grow and i'm about 2 weeks in give or take and would like some opinions on how my plant is doing. At first i might have had the light too high but i think i've fixed that problem, and i was underwatering it in the begining becuase i was reading so much about how people...