Traveling the World


Undercover Mod
My buddy who just graduated wants to travel on foot across the U.S.

I think he is insane. I think he will quit after a few weeks on the road.
He thinks the world is some big party. I know different I have been all over and the world isn't so kind.

I think everyone should see the world, just not on foot and traveling like a bum.

What do you guys think? Anyone else do this ever?


Active Member
My sister travelled the world pretty much, USA (arizona & texas), Asia (tibet, laos, thailand,singapore) Australia, Germany, italy, and a few more i think, all with in a few months, she'd been saving up for yeears. fathrest i've been from home is Morrocco, epic place, lots of hashish. I'd love to travel the world though, just don't have the money.and fuck doing it on foot, forrest gump effort lol


ive hitched from colorado to tennessee chilled with some friend than started th long jouney back i ended up walking for 2 days in kansas slept in a ditch ............somtimes you just got to travel


Well-Known Member
my dad is a truck driver. ive been out with him a few times. been to about 35 states or so. theres a whole lotta nothing out in the US haha

Serial Violator

Well-Known Member
Ive done fair bit of travelling went with my brother on a 6 month trip started in the USA and did New York, Texas, New Orleans and Miam then flew to Brazil(rio)and spent a week in the Amazon then went up to Colombia then flew back to the USA to do the West Side hired a car and so Cali, San Diego, Vegas the Canyon then San fran then flew to New Zealand then to Bali then from there Hong Kong and the Final part was Thailand, Laos, Cambobia and Vietnam.
It was by far the best thing i have ever done but fuck doing it on foot


Well-Known Member
Have been all over the us down to kazumel mexico up to Canada over to Amsterdam twice to rio once and im not twenty yet, I love traveling going places and doing things with friends is the best stuff you can do. Next up is Vietnam with my best friend and that is gonna be amazing :)


Active Member
My buddy who just graduated wants to travel on foot across the U.S.

I think he is insane. I think he will quit after a few weeks on the road.
He thinks the world is some big party. I know different I have been all over and the world isn't so kind.

I think everyone should see the world, just not on foot and traveling like a bum.

What do you guys think? Anyone else do this ever?

I did it...looong time ago...hitched and walked to every state (obviously not Alsaka and Hawaii).

There are/were some really great people out there, poor people with NO money who slipped $20 in my coat while i wasnt looking...people took me into their home, washed my clothes and fed me!

One peice of advice for your friend...listen to yourself-your instincts will know if someone is not be hesitate to decline a ride! Ask them questions, LOOK in the car...SEE if they are excited or nervous...SMELL too (i opened a car door once and smelled old blood/ thanks i said politely...the guy just SMILED at me and drove off!!!)
Truck drivers are the best cuz they need someone to talk to and read a map for them.

NewAge Haze

To do something like that on foot would be tuff, more so if you are doing it alone. But i think that if someone really wanted to do it and had a good amount of money and backpack full of things you need to live it would be possible. I would need like 3lbs of weed to even consider something like that though...


Well-Known Member
I did it...looong time ago...hitched and walked to every state (obviously not Alsaka and Hawaii).

There are/were some really great people out there, poor people with NO money who slipped $20 in my coat while i wasnt looking...people took me into their home, washed my clothes and fed me!

One peice of advice for your friend...listen to yourself-your instincts will know if someone is not be hesitate to decline a ride! Ask them questions, LOOK in the car...SEE if they are excited or nervous...SMELL too (i opened a car door once and smelled old blood/ thanks i said politely...the guy just SMILED at me and drove off!!!)
Truck drivers are the best cuz they need someone to talk to and read a map for them.
that reminds me. one time in kansas city, we stopped at a truck stop. my dad came back with two hippies, a guy and his gf. he said he had given them a ride months before and happened to see them again inside. for the next day we listened to the guy playin guitar in the back. most truck drivers are nice people, but there ARE guys that are way creepy. theres also a lot of trucker serial killers in the US


Active Member
Yeah...i've JUMPED out of a truck before! But i can read a map and i'm wicked good company, so i would just keep'em laughing! Most of those guys are family men just trying to earn a living.


Well-Known Member
Yeah...i've JUMPED out of a truck before! But i can read a map and i'm wicked good company, so i would just keep'em laughing! Most of those guys are family men just trying to earn a living.
yup. sadly, the trucking companies dont treat their drivers very well. my dad is always stressed about getting paid(usually fuel and bills means he gets like 20 bucks a week). they ALWAYS give drivers a hard time. theyre almost always driving more than the legal 11-hour shift because the companies push them too hard. i think its terrible because these people RUN the economy. without them, we wouldnt be alive. plus a ton of tired/stressed out/depressed people driving 80,000lb vehicles is not something i want to be on the highway with. i think it would be in a companies interest to keep the drivers happy, but most dont.


Well-Known Member
My cousin rode his bike 3,000 miles across the country. I don't think he'd do it again if he had the chance to go back lol

Well-Known Member
i think your friend should do it! i've traveled around the country for years hitching and hoppping trains and planning on settin out again once my plants are dried and cured.
I've only mostly traveled this country and it's pretty easy to bum it for the most part. I prefer to hitchhike because you meet the most interesting people that you would not normally meet when driving a car by yourself.


Well-Known Member
My buddy who just graduated wants to travel on foot across the U.S.

I think he is insane. I think he will quit after a few weeks on the road.
He thinks the world is some big party. I know different I have been all over and the world isn't so kind.

I think everyone should see the world, just not on foot and traveling like a bum.

What do you guys think? Anyone else do this ever?

I think your friend and I should do this together!

I am a lot like your friend, I will be graduating in December and from there, prepping for a 5-6 month long thru-hike of the Appalachian Trail, just to gauge my ability to hike long distances.

After I accomplish this, and have settled all debts owed the coming year, I will set off for Ireland... from Ireland I plan on crossing by boat to Scotland, and then down in to England... making my way across the planet and supporting myself by doing small jobs for locals.

My hope is to be a successful vagabond, which is the word I believe you were looking for as bums do not travel very often at all... this of course does not mean we are ignorant of the dangers of our journey. You more than likely won't hear about me traversing through Iran or the middle-east in general... heck you probably won't hear about me at all.

I believe your friend is perfectly sane, and is probably one smart cookie... I'm sure he does not believe the world is one big party, and if you talk to him again before this, mention Rolf Potts' book 'Vagabonding'.

It is a great read that has pushed this dream of mine in to fruition and opened my eyes to many realities.