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  1. S

    Super thrive?!?

    i got the runs i figure all just shit on my plants to make them grow faster
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    Sea Of Green

    i started out from seeds going to grow the seadlings up to be cloned so all have a good amount of time to research and no just wat to do thanks for the help i can get 2 gal sq pots and am in with lighting that gets over 20k lumens
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    Sea Of Green

    but if i used a 3 to 5 gal there wouldent be anydiffrance then just growing 2 plants in my sistuation less ur saying put 2 plants to one pot
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    Sea Of Green

    ok am going to use the sea of green methood and was wondering how big my pots should be all be flowering 6 to 8 clones pot size anybuddy?
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    Short On Space Need Help

    ya i was reading the sea of green and realy fell n love with the idea.. but wat size of pot should i use if am going to be putting 6 to 8 plants in a small area?
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    Short On Space Need Help

    i have around 20440 lumns in a small space just 4 two plants. no top to bottom 3 feet not include n the pot am starting from seeds so u think 2 to 3 weeks?
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    Short On Space Need Help

    ok need some help i kinda only have 3 IF THAT!! feet of space in height flowing 2 plants in sq pots at wat height do i wana flower my plants to make sure they dont over grow there space? the grow room is small with around 20440 lumns?
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    FLOWERING qeustions

    ya got ya right at the bottom freash from my room will it be ok if i just open my window?
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    FLOWERING qeustions

    OK am use n 2 31gal blue storage tubs one fliped over to make a box. I will be flowering 2 plants in them just the right amount of room to fit 2 plants very snug. NOW my qeustion i will be useing 6 30w cfls and 8 of these small 13w cfls rated at 900 lumns to help out on the lower part now to...