FLOWERING qeustions


Active Member
OK am use n 2 31gal blue storage tubs one fliped over to make a box. I will be flowering 2 plants in them just the right amount of room to fit 2 plants very snug. NOW my qeustion i will be useing 6 30w cfls and 8 of these small 13w cfls rated at 900 lumns to help out on the lower part now to give u an idea on the set up there will be a line of 3 light sockets one on 2 sides and in the middle between the 2 plants both light sockets will hold 2 30w cfls in a Y and then the small 13w clfs in Ys surounding the lower portions of the plant and a carbon scrubber to vent and take care of the smell also useing foxfarm as vert and almost forgot but the tubs will be covered with mylar

will this work?