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  1. M

    Fuck Greenhouse Seed Company!!

    Try Spliff Seeds from Amsterdam sold exclusively with their partner - they are fucking amazing genetics and have a massive variety or flavours - peace
  2. M

    SPAM ALERT - UNVERSAL SEEDS - Very interesting reading!

    Hello fellow tokers, The community is currently being spammed by unsolicited emails (probably from a a stolen mailing list) - Be aware and please read below - This makes very interesting reading. Original Universal Seeds Newsletters followed by worried user responses...
  3. M

    Universal seeds legit?

    I know from first hand experience that UNIVERSAL SEEDS are just a money making outfit - Check their website its just a money making exercise for them. As stated in precious posts they are not that much cheaper just promoting tha fact that you dont need to pay tax on your seeds - so its not 30%...
  4. M

    Universal seeds - thick as thieves

    Hello Without discussing or naming the legitimate seed banks that have had their years of hard work for the cannabis community stolen i would like to draw your attention to this groveling apology that is the final nail in the coffin for the green eyed monster that is or WAS UNIVERSAL SEEDS...
  5. M

    Universal seeds - thick as thieves

    Hello Without discussing or naming the legitimate seed banks that have had their years of hard work for the cannabis community stolen i would like to draw your attention to this groveling apology that is the final nail in the coffin for the green eyed monster that is or WAS UNIVERSAL SEEDS...
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    Universal Seeds

    Hey Duke - do you know they are seeling your seeds over at Universal Seeds LOL I orderd 500 as i got a proper grow on the go - 5000000 investment should give me a good return on my beans!
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    Universal Seeds

    "No, UniSmoker, joined in Aug 2011...You don't work for Universal Seeds, you just assume we've all heard about it's launch when in actuality this is the first time we're hearing about it? I believe you don't work for them...the world is also flat, you know " Erm Nuff said MetaSynth ! i...
  8. M

    Sensible Seeds Shorted Me

    Dell6666 - cor thats a bit harsh old chap! ive followed your 12-12 thread inspirational - and i know your not a yob? Non need for more dark sargents here - INI So LILBDAD - Did you get your seeds?
  9. M

    Trustworthy seed banks!!

    Sensible seeds - they are cheap and reliable and good chaps who try hard to please the community. They also exclusivly stock Spliff Seeds from amsterdam - some dank strains particulary thier AK
  10. M

    Sensible Seeds Shorted Me

    "it's just that i've only heard good things about jim and sensible seeds" ive spoke to Paul on one occassion again he was a good geezer - the best way to get an imediate answer form them is to give them a call, the do have telephone support just not 24hours, obviously! peace
  11. M

    Sensible Seeds Shorted Me

    Hey Ive orderd throug Sensible seeds too. and as Racerboy says comunication is the key, I've found them to be very obliging, after all we are all stoners!
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    Possibly the worst idea I have ever had.

    yup the dreaded weed
  13. M

    Can anyone sugest a forgiving strain for a beginer pls ?

    any Royal Queen Seeds they are very forgiving and beautiful to grow. Peace
  14. M

    So I'm Buying Weed For The First Time Tomorow.

    We used to skin up with newspapers in the good ole'days, sonny.
  15. M

    Prison Rape Survivors Discussion Group.

    youtube ONA bucket.
  16. M

    Apartment Smell

    youtube ONA bucket.
  17. M

    The 12-12 From Seed Thread

    Love this thread dudes - Im gonna try next time !
  18. M

    Advantage V. disadvantage CFL's

    I prefer cfl's - cheap and as long as you keep em close to your plants - you still get good bud.bongsmilie
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    My First Grow!

    nice one dude