Possibly the worst idea I have ever had.


So I was bored today all I had to do was cut the grass and do a few odd jobs around the house. So I go buy some cigarettes out of pure boredom. I have smoked them before but they weren't mine. Anyways I get home smoke a few while doing housework, I start feeling gross, I smoked 4 through the course of the day. Have a shower because I feel a bit nauseous then when I get out of the shower I start uncontrollably puking for about 5 minutes. I feel poisoned and I'm never touching tobacco again. Gonna stick to green.



Active Member
they arent for everyone , and if you dont normally smoke them, its not good to just jump into 4 or 5 a day. especially within hours of each other


Well-Known Member
if it was the cigarettes that made you ill like that,they must have been counterfeit because genuine ones shouldnt make you sick like that.plus you only smoked 4,its not like you smoked the whole packed in half hour or something like that.or maybe they were genuine,but you had some kind of allergic reaction?fuck knows.
sticking to green only is the way to go anyway.and hash to ofcourse.


Lol I've seen non tobacco smokers puke after a blunt since their stomachs weren't used to the tobacco leaf. Shit happens. It's better to stay away from the cigs anyway. Been trying to quit for a few months but can't seem to not smoke after I hit my bong. I have to take myself out of the habit.


I can smoke blunts, I smoked one yesterday. I really dont understand nothing like that has ever happened to me. I am most definitely getting rid of them.

Steve French

Well-Known Member
Not some weird allergic reaction. Happens all the time. Never with me for cigarettes, but dip sure made me fucking ill

Sr. Verde

Well-Known Member
never smoked cigs but went and bought a pack to smoke around the house while doing chores? :?

:lol: okkkk?


New Member
You should feel gross, you got bored so you decide to slowly kill yourself with poison.. kinda really stupid.


Well-Known Member
some people have all the fuckin luck, i wish that had happened to me, then i wouldn't be smoking now....!


bud bootlegger
i started off smoking when i was super drunk, so when i puked i never knew if it was from the smokes or all of the alcohol i dumped into my body first...


Well-Known Member
Fuck, I already smoked a pack today at work. Would have smoke one and a half if it was a full day........fuck me I have to quit.