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  1. shanedezee

    Oh no mold!!!!

    This weather killed my crop! 9 plants ruined by the damn cotton balls!!! I did learn a valuable lesson however! Can anyone tell me the best way to derive the THC from the mess I have? Please let me know all options and reasons you would choose each option. Thanks so much~!
  2. shanedezee

    hanging entire plant vs full trim of all leaves then hang which has better taste?

    Anyone have any definitive info on this? I like to do a full trim on my buds then hang dry to a brittle stem then jar for a month burped. I noticed the smell decreased as the buds dry...My buddy says to not remove any leaves and hang wrapped in a paper bag for 5 - 7 days then full trim and jars...
  3. shanedezee

    Not much smell?

    Thanks for the input! This is my 3rd season growing and the method I will be using this year for curing is trim all leaves to a nice and tight manicure, hang dry until stems will crack, mason jars for a month opening for only a couple seconds a day. Any input on my method?
  4. shanedezee

    Pods on the stem are dead? Buds seam ok.

    The caviar (Pods on the stems of the plant) are brown and dried up? Any ideas?
  5. shanedezee

    Not much smell?

    My plants have very little smell even though they are close to trichome maturment. Sour diesel and og kush strains especially. Plants have been off of fertilizers for about 3 weeks and still have about a week or so to mature. Any input?
  6. shanedezee

    Fertalizer advice...

    My plant are in the first week of flowering and i have been recommended by my local grow shop to use Fox Farm big bloom and also Bud Candy. He advised me to give both every day? That doesnt seam right to me so any inout would be appreciated. Also, any other nutrients i should be giving them, and...
  7. shanedezee

    Leaves Turning Purple

    Thanks Max!
  8. shanedezee

    Leaves Turning Purple

    What do you recommend for N def?
  9. shanedezee

    Leaves Turning Purple

    Thanks for all the quick replies! I am a new grower so please bare with me. I was only feeding bat quano every 2 weeks but stopped due to the plants starting to flower...(3 weeks or so ago). I water no more than every 2 days but have been giving them about 4-5 20 gallon containers...
  10. shanedezee

    Leaves Turning Purple

    My plants ar in the 1st week of flowering and the tips of some of the big leaves are turning purple? Also, the leaves of all the plants are a lighter green than normal? I water every 2 days but may be watering too much at a time. Any input on best watering practices? I am using Fox Farm ocean...