Leaves Turning Purple


My plants ar in the 1st week of flowering and the tips of some of the big leaves are turning purple? Also, the leaves of all the plants are a lighter green than normal? I water every 2 days but may be watering too much at a time. Any input on best watering practices? I am using Fox Farm ocean soil mixed with perlite...


Well-Known Member
You can't really water too much at a time, this assumes your container and medium drains properly.

You can, however, water too frequently...

Regarding your specific problems, pics will get you a better diagnosis.


Thanks for all the quick replies! I am a new grower so please bare with me. I was only feeding bat quano every 2 weeks but stopped due to the plants starting to flower...(3 weeks or so ago). I water no more than every 2 days but have been giving them about 4-5 gallons...in 20 gallon containers with good drainage. I just bought some fox farms big bloom and some bud candy (recommended by my grow store) and fed them yesterday. I will post pics tomorrow...Basically it is only a couple of the large fan leaves on of 18 plants...it is looks like a "bruising" from red to purple near the tips...


Well-Known Member
Keep your N higher during at least the first 2-3 weeks of flowering, don't believe what you hear about cutting N during flowering. The plant still uses lots of it and that's the most common mistake people make during flowering.. I'm gonna blame the food companies for that, I'm fed up with them telling people to cut N at first flowering... I use fox farm grow big and it's some good shit but any veg food will do just fine


Well-Known Member
Thanks for all the quick replies! I am a new grower so please bare with me. I was only feeding bat quano every 2 weeks but stopped due to the plants starting to flower...(3 weeks or so ago). I water no more than every 2 days but have been giving them about 4-5 gallons...in 20 gallon containers with good drainage. I just bought some fox farms big bloom and some bud candy (recommended by my grow store) and fed them yesterday. I will post pics tomorrow...Basically it is only a couple of the large fan leaves on of 18 plants...it is looks like a "bruising" from red to purple near the tips...
Is this for real, 20 gal containers, 4/5 gal waterings and you stopped fertilizing for the flowering? Can we have pics pleasse Bro, i wana see. Any purpling i had was always from deficiencies. Peace