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  1. NVGA

    300 watt Jillybean SCROG

    Well it’s been quite a while since I’ve done an update of these bebes so I thought I would share what’s going on. The plants are making some nice stinky buds and they are real nice and fuzzy here on day 29; I have never smoked any of the Jilly and I’m making a note of it to go and find some...
  2. NVGA

    300 watt Jillybean SCROG

    I planted on the 14th of last month, so about 3 and a half weeks.
  3. NVGA

    300 watt Jillybean SCROG

    2nd day of 12/12 cycle.
  4. NVGA

    300 watt Jillybean SCROG

    So far the only good way I found to flush when the plant is trained in the SCROG is if I can come upon a dry/wet vacuum to suck up the run off with. That book Secrets of the West Coast Masters is pretty much dedicated to the SCROG technique, and that is what they say to do about flushing with a...
  5. NVGA

    Enter The Scrog/Scroggers United Post Page

    I started my third grow almost a month ago...2 Jillybeans under two 150watt HPS inside of a 3 1/2' x 4' grow cabinet and it is my first time using the SCROG. It seems to be doing good thus far.
  6. NVGA

    300 watt Jillybean SCROG

    Well not necessarily flushing in the way you would with a hydro set-up where they drain out the reservoirs and all that (or however they do it, I haven't looked into hydro too much). I guess the proper term in soil is "leaching". But last time I grew I would take the plants outside from time to...
  7. NVGA

    How do you properly top for a SCROG?

    Check out my grow journal, its very similar to what you have described here. I topped my plants VERY early, allowing them to grow 4 main shoots. If you have 4 shoots you can direct one to each corner of your screen, and a bunch of branches will grow of those filling in the empty space in the...
  8. NVGA

    300 watt Jillybean SCROG

    Yeah that was my initial though when I started feeding them, every time cant be good. One of my main concerns this time around is flushing, since their in the screen and I cant really take them outside to get rid of the run off water. Would you say when harvest time comes around, the classic...
  9. NVGA

    300 watt Jillybean SCROG

    Here they are yesterday on the 3rd of August... I dont really have a full-on feed shedule and all that, I just feed them when the soil starts to lose moister which is about every 2 days or so, and have been giving them nutrients with each watering. Coming this Monday I might flip the lights, not...
  10. NVGA

    300 watt Jillybean SCROG

    Two days later on the 30th...
  11. NVGA

    300 watt Jillybean SCROG

    Here they are 8 days later on July 28th, looking good... At this point they were being fed with the General Organics Biothrive Grow and their Ca+Mg supplement. I also forget to mention that before I planted the clones I mixed in a little bit of the mycorrihzae with the soil. The lights were...
  12. NVGA

    300 watt Jillybean SCROG

    So these are the Jillys right after being topped. They were planted on July 14th, and these picture were taken on July 19th and 20th. They were each left with 4 main shoots coming out. No nutrients were being given at this point, just plain water, which I know is supposed to harbor plants and...
  13. NVGA

    300 watt Jillybean SCROG

    The lights I am using are from HTG Supply via their eBay site (free shipping!) and cost about $75.00 each including the bulb. The total of the two lights came to $145.90. As for the other equipment such as timers, thermometers, and the vent fan, the total of all that after shipping came to...
  14. NVGA

    300 watt Jillybean SCROG

    Here is my cabinet... Starting with no supplies the final cost for materials (lumber, paint, screws, chains for lights) was $117.32 (not including vent fan, thermometer, timer, lights, etc.) and took one weekend to put together. The dimensions are roughly 3ft. wide, 4 1/2ft. long and about 5...
  15. NVGA

    300 watt Jillybean SCROG

    Here is my Jillybean grow journal. This is a legal medical grow and will be my third time growing, the first fully indoors and the first time using a SCROG. Equipment/Set-up: Space: 4 1/2' x 3' homemade grow-cabinet Lights: Two 150w. HPS from HTG Supply Growing Medium: Black Gold Organic...