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  1. J

    Wahington Medical Marijuana

    I have Multiple Schlerosis and have bad muscle spasms and I asked my Neurologist for a script for marijuana and she refused because her colleges and herself promised not to. What???? Did you guys pinky swear too. So I went to another clinic and I felt so welcomed there,(it was a marijuana...
  2. J

    Welcome New Members!

    Hi i am a newbie here and I just received my medical permit and am planning to grow some in may and wanted to get some info on what kind of soil is best. I have MS and im 35,so any other people with the same I would like to hear from you.
  3. J

    Try to get grow permit in seattle

    I live in seattle and have a permit, I went to a clinic because I have MS and have really bad muscle spasms. Let me know if you want the info.
  4. J

    Wahington Medical Marijuana

    Amy3977 is right. I went and saw him in Nov. 2007 and now have a permit for medical marijuana. I have MS and all I did was call them and faxed over my last 5 charts notes from my neuro. and they called me up for an appt. they check your chart notes to see if you are qualified first.
  5. J

    please help me, I have a painful condition and want to know how 2 apply 4 medical mj

    Where to you live? I live in Seattle and I have a medical permit and I went to a clinic specific for medical use of marijuana, If you would like to know more let me know.