Wahington Medical Marijuana


100% Authentic A$$Hole
I am currently on prescription painkillers (darvocet, vicodin, percocet) for chronic back pain. I am now ready to confront my doctor as wanting to get of the painkillers because of a tolerant and addictive issue and would just much rather smoke marijuana. I believe the benefits of marijuana outweigh the consequences under my circumstance. I ask if anyone is familiar with the state of washingtons laws as far as Do I need to find the "right" doctor say the one I currently have is in disagrrement. Do they have hotlines or people you can talk to to get you on your way, Are there any forms I need. Or is it just as simple as asking your doc and then a yes or no answer? I grew up in Pa so the whole nedical marijuana thing is new to me. Will the doctor think Im an idiot by suggesting to him pot makes me feel better. Can someone please enlighten me on this topic.
I live in Vancouver Washington.

beenthere donethat

Well-Known Member
I went through this...

I was in the care of a "pain" doctor and on a "pain management" regime' of meds...

Basically....to put it bluntly....I was an addict. I took "oxy" everyday for about 3 years...I went through injections and other treatments at the same time...and all was cool...and then tolerance raised it's head and my pain returned. So..back to the doc I went....

He wanted to increase my dosage. I was starting to severely tire of being RULED by the pills on a daily basis and KNEW that more was only gonna "fix" it for awhile and then we'd do this all over again.

My doc knew I smoked pot on occasion and that i had used pain pills in college to party on...and so I formulated the pic in my mind that he would probably be cool with me getting a med license...

WRONG. We had a consultation where he was gonna increase my dosage and it was then that I told him I was 'checkin into it" (I already had it..but was feeling the waters to see a reaction) and that I had been gven some marijuana recently that really seemd to help the pain. I told him I'd like to keep my dosage the same and start on med pot. He stiffend and balked....and said little. I left with a script like usual and thought "maybe" all was cool.

fast forward...26 days later...script running low...so I make the call for a refill.

What I hear instantly is the nurse accusing me straight up of "using illegal drugs"... and sayin shit like "if we were in Boston this shit wouldn't be happeneing..."

all of this caught me off guard..but it only took a few seconds to see that things HAD changed and that she and the doc had obviously been discussing my usage...etc.. She told me I'd AGAIN have to come in and see the doc....etc....blahblahblahfuckin'blahblah....

Of course, they "couldn't squeeze me in"...and the next appt was in a week...

I hung up...and as I did I realized that there were no more meds after the few i had left...and that this was possibly gonna be one of those "memorable' life experiences.

2 days after eating the last pill i went into full-on withdrawal. Wow..what a crazy/scary/helpless place that is....

3 days later..I was "REBORN". It was an incredible feeling....

So by the time I went back..i was clean and my mind was in tune with my body for the first time in 3 years. There were no drugs in my system at all but the fatty I smoked before going in so i'd smell the place up nicely! :hump:

they THOUGHT I was coming in to BEG for pills and started off on this rant about how the DEA will take his license if he prescribes me narcotics while taking "illegal" substances. :evil: This brough on a RANT from me about the fact that the SAME ENTITY that issued my MED license is the SAME ENTITY that issued the Dr's, nurses, and hosptials license to practice in our state. He then told me my licencse was WORTHLESS......and I told him to fuck off and ram their script pad up his ass...and that I was no longer interested in taking the POISON or being in his "care"....and that WEED IS ALL I NEED.:blsmoke:

Amazingly..after comin off the oxy my pain levels dropped and I have gained back about 1/2 of the 35 pounds I dropped while on the fuckers. (they're like SPEED in my body..)

Look for the THC foundation..they kinda suck but the choices are limited. Once you get in you will have no problem staying in and you may be able to network with others to find a normal doc who isn't an asshole.

I urge you to get off the script..but I know I cannot walk in your shoes and only you can make that decision.

All i know is that **my** QUALITY OF LIFE has improved after stopping the narcotics. I can eat, fuck, and FEEL again!

Jah bless mother cannabis!

good luck bro

bt dt


100% Authentic A$$Hole
Yeah bro you defiantly nailed it on the head when you mentioned addicted and tolerance. I myself am having a hell of a time kicking this shit. I figured by going through all of this why not try to get a medical marijuana card being that I do smoke. Being an addict(like yourself) I thought the whole prescription painkillers was a great idea...I loved eating percs and darvs. But it took 2 years of taking them for me to realize I dont like it anymore. I cant function without the use of pills. It's a horrible feeling that Im sure you know about......Well yeah Im just gonna take this all in stride and see what I can do....I would still appreciate more feedback from other people but I will keep the community aware of how things are working out.:peace:


Active Member
:peace:Its a tough deal. I have had MS for long enough to tire of the daily ailments and then the medication has its own side effects.

The concern that i have with bringing it up to my Neuro is simply the reponse that I read above. This concern was cememted slightly more when I went to SSDI lawyer. Explained honestly where I was at as we are going through the disibility dance with the USGOVT....and I let her know that I got high. Her reaction was simply..if youhavent told anyone yet ....dont.

I know this has alot to do with the extra stuff I am tying to get taken care of...But still peeves me to no end.


Well-Known Member
Yeah bro you defiantly nailed it on the head when you mentioned addicted and tolerance. I myself am having a hell of a time kicking this shit. I figured by going through all of this why not try to get a medical marijuana card being that I do smoke. Being an addict(like yourself) I thought the whole prescription painkillers was a great idea...I loved eating percs and darvs. But it took 2 years of taking them for me to realize I dont like it anymore. I cant function without the use of pills. It's a horrible feeling that Im sure you know about......Well yeah Im just gonna take this all in stride and see what I can do....I would still appreciate more feedback from other people but I will keep the community aware of how things are working out.:peace:
I suffer from chronic pain from a sports injury. My pain management doctor just about threw me out of his office when I brought up medical marijuana. (I too was riding the percocet/ monthly injection train.) He told me that marijuana was not going to give me the relief I needed. He told me that I would be singled out at my job for smoking drugs. He told me that my family and friends would think of me as an addict. While he was telling me all that, it hit me Dr. Patel was afraid of losing a customer. I let him know I needed copies of my medical records, and that I would be seeking a second opinion. I went to my general practitioner, and spoke with her. She suggested I speak with a doctor more open to "medical" marijuana. I told her I would and contacted a vet friend I have who was injured in Iraq 1 and he reffered me to a doctor who had helped him get out of the pharmaceutical companies pocket.

That was just after prop 215 was passed in CA and before I moved to TX. I have not used an unnatural pain killer since then, and my quality of life has improved one hundred fold.

Don't be afraid to go to your doctor, but don't expect a lot of positive reinforcement. Find a doctor through Norml or a local dispensary and make sure you have a copy of your medical records.

I wish i could offer you more information on the laws in your area, but I have never lived in WA.


Active Member
In the state of Washington this is the guy to see....Dr Orvald 1813 130th Ave. NE Suite 210 Bellevue, WA 98005 Phone 425-869-6186 fax 4258696378. You call em and tell em you want to find out how to get an appointment to see if you qualify for your medical marijuana card. She will ask you what diagnosed conditions you have and then ask you to fax them all of your Dr. notes along with your medical history. Then they will call you and schedule your appointment. Good Luck

Micheal Kelso

Well-Known Member
Man u nailed it right there. The same thing happened in my situation... I just kept getting pills and pills until I told them I didn't want the pills it wasn't doing it for me like the weed and PT was... my doc was cool about it though, he was glad I wasn't actually a "drug seeker" like he was profiling me out to be.

I think WA has a medical marijuana program, you should be able to get hooked up through them.

GL -

The Hog

Active Member
You want to get in touch with the cannibis foundation in Washington State. Their main clinic is in Bellevue and you need to get yourself an appointment with Dr. Orevald. Cool older guy, used to play ball with Wilt Chamberlin back in college aparently. It will cost you $200 but will be good for a year and will also get you access to all of the legal growers in the state for product, seeds, advice, etc. I just did all this about a month ago and am now working on my little grow room here in Spokane.

Best of luck to you!


Well-Known Member
I need some clarification here.... I'm a Washington resident and I looked up the Medical Marijuanna law for Washington. The law is a legal defense meaning you can still get arrested but it's a defense during prosecution. As I recall it says nothing about getting a script from a doctor first.

So going to the doctor for a perscription is so you can use the medical co-op only right? I have Post Tramatic Stress Disorder - something weed does help for me big time. And I believe other states have it listed as a medical marijuana approved condition. But WA does not - so will the co-op sell to me?


Well-Known Member
I need some clarification here.... I'm a Washington resident and I looked up the Medical Marijuanna law for Washington. The law is a legal defense meaning you can still get arrested but it's a defense during prosecution. As I recall it says nothing about getting a script from a doctor first.

So going to the doctor for a perscription is so you can use the medical co-op only right? I have Post Tramatic Stress Disorder - something weed does help for me big time. And I believe other states have it listed as a medical marijuana approved condition. But WA does not - so will the co-op sell to me?

Washington - NORML


Active Member
Amy3977 is right. I went and saw him in Nov. 2007 and now have a permit for medical marijuana. I have MS and all I did was call them and faxed over my last 5 charts notes from my neuro. and they called me up for an appt. they check your chart notes to see if you are qualified first.


100% Authentic A$$Hole
The only flaw in Washington MM that I know of is you are allowed to posess a 2 months supply but "a 2 month supply" has never really been defined:hump:

It varies from patient to patient Im sure bnut there are some flaws and concerns that is being made well aware of....

Happy tokin

and yes Im in Phoenix now:hump:


Well-Known Member
They are gathering information from MedMJ users to help determine what the amounts ought to be. Arizona is not going to get the funding from MPP they thought they were so I'm not sure if that campaign is going to move forward or not. Please folks, check with Norml in your states and find out what you can do to help. VV

Wolfman Zen

Well-Known Member
I know how paranoid and ignorant most general practitioners are in the state of WA. I have chronic joint pain in my left shoulder from a car accident.. Insomnia since I was a teen... and arthritis in both my hands.

They gave me prescription after prescription.. I have been addicted to both sleeping and pain medication because of it... I went cold turkey on my own. I then started smoking bud...

I told my doctor straight up too... he was "disappointed" in me and wanted to start an "anti-dependency" program for my "illegal drug" use. WTF!?

I asked him why I shouldn't use marijuana.. First answer "It's illegal".. WTF?

After explaining to him that Med. Marijuana has been legal in Washington for years. He quickly replied with... "I disagree with that law and the FDA says marijuana has no medical properties"... WTF?

After explaining to him how much better I feel, and that I'm no longer dependant of any other prescription pain killer or sleeping pills... He said "it's all in your head and part of my dependency to the marijuana" WTF?

He went on to tell me that I have a "psychological dependency" to marijuana and that we needed to treat it.. I told him not to worry... I beat true addictions to pain meds, sleeping meds, and cigarettes.. all cold turkey.. I can handle a bit of "psychological dependency".... besides I know many friends that have "psychological dependencies" to chocolate that need more help then me... I actually got him to laugh lol

He continued to explain how bad smoking is for my lungs and general health... I told him I have a vaporizer and my girlfriend loves to bake ;-)

But it was obvious that this guy was to set in to his ways, and there was nothing I could say or show him that will change his mind on this "dangerous and illegal" drug.

I finely found a doctor who helped me out for my first year... but was very hesitant and even asked me not to mention it to anybody. I understood but grateful none the less.

I won't be able to use her again for I am no longer one of her patients.. I will be using the THCF for my next years med-card... wish me luck.


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Well-Known Member
Wow, some horrible experiences being told in this thread. I too am a chronic pain patient, but so far have managed to stay away from pain clinics. I went once, for a single appointment, and was so incensed afterward about the way I was treated (like and addict) that I wrote a letter to their head doctor, voided the script they wrote me and mailed it back with the letter telling them that I wanted nothing to do with their program.

Lucky for me, my primary doctor has been willing to prescribe effective pain medication, but he's at the point that he won't adjust it any further and every time I tell him I need it adjusted as it's not as effective as it once was, he tries to send me to a pain clinic. I refuse to go and tell him I'll just deal with things the way they are.

All of this will hopefully end soon as I'm moving to a state with good medical cannabis laws.


Well-Known Member
Yeah I've been going through this with my doc too. She won't prescribe cannabis and the clinics here in Wash. really suck. I wish they would start opening a ton of them like they have in Cali.


Active Member
I have Multiple Schlerosis and have bad muscle spasms and I asked my Neurologist for a script for marijuana and she refused because her colleges and herself promised not to. What???? Did you guys pinky swear too. So I went to another clinic and I felt so welcomed there,(it was a marijuana clinic with a doctor that can write a permit for you, they also show on video about the laws and how to grow your own). Everyone there has an appointment for the same thing so we were all treated like patients not drug addicts. My neuro. treated me like an addict and I never smoked it till the other clinic signed me a permit. So I changed Neuros. I have been painfree and so much better with everything and I thank the people who helped pass this friendly law here in Washington. Then I went to Hemp fest in Seattle and people were smoking it left and right walking around and seattle police were all there and they did nothing, that was totally cool.