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  1. L

    My favorite things to hear when medical growers get busted...

    i dont like medical growers getting busted at all sounds like something a leo would say
  2. L

    Clean Up

    oooh! tincture yummy cant wait
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    johnny you dont have to be a jerk. by the looks of it you seem like the one with your panties in a bunch. I looked at some of your posts your a jerk to every one. Is it sexual frustration? im sure you would not know what a vagina feels like. 6921 posts.LOL drop your cock johnny grab a mouse and...
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    I would have to agree with smoke. I live in michigan and there are a lot of sketchy things going on rite now. I know a lot of people that didn't even smoke until the law was passed. now they grow so in a way it does seem as though they wouldn't have done it if it were illegal.
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    Understanding How To Get Your Mmpc

    wow! this is helpful you guys a great.
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    Frosty Querkle Meds Finished

    That stuff is pretty. Has anyone ever tried grape soda? It tastes just like pop
  7. L

    Allow myself to introduce....myself

    Hello from Michigan!this is my first post looks like a fun site.