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  1. E

    Finally" :)

    finaly my easyryder has grown andare loookin lurveeeely :D will posts pics once i upload them off my friends fone, also i bgouth sum criitcal mass and one of them has gone a beautiful light green n purple colour somebody said it might be temprature change but it looks like it is meant to be like...
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    is it essential to have a fan in your grow room? i have one 400W bulb over 4 plants, i am thinking about putting two more in there, we air it atleast twice a day and check on the plants, someone mentioned that the plant will go straggly and not solid buds, is this true? and can we prevent it...
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    cheers dude he strain is easy ryder! dont look purple thoo :/
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    well this is an outdoor grow, sorry for the less infomation i didnt know there wud be several reasons, ive literlay jus planted em into normal potting soil and gave them a good soaking :/
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    ive recently planted my easyryder grow and their roughly an inch tall, just got the second leaves thru and the stems are purple? is this a problem or is this normal? thankyou!
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    happyhydro, im not too sure how to do a journal on here but il have alook later on and work it out! im from norfolk, england. i only planted them maybe three days ago now, but ive just invested in a 600watt bulb, some biiiig pots and five critical mass auto seeds, settin up my grow room by...
  7. E

    watering :/

    cheers dude! much appreciated, your northern lights is lookin good! and northern lights is a lovely smoke :D will you be puttin end prodcut pics on here? would be good to see! :leaf:
  8. E


    cheers dudes :) its good to see fellow stoners help eachother out, im new to this website today but i think with all yours help i wont be payin £10 a gram much longer! once again cheers boys!
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    watering :/

    haha wish i was ran out last night! :/ ive jus transferred one into a 3 gallon bucket which il keep it in there but as ive ran outta soil ive put the other 2 into tiny pots but il transfer them when i go into town tomorrow and pick up some new soil, any ideas on nutes if i need any? :leaf:
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    okay dude thanks! what soil mixture would you say is good for these? im working on a very tight budget, at the minute ive put them in just plain miricle grow soil but was thinkin bout gettin sum nutes in bout 3 weeks time any ideas?
  11. E

    watering :/

    cheers dude! im gonna go see my babies and give em a good soakin! haha also if ya dont mind me askin im wondering what size pots to put them in because theyr eonly in small ones now and im fearing doing somethin wrong when transferring them and id like to keep them in the same pots the whole way...
  12. E

    Plants smaller than anticipated

    well i had a browse about and i see where you put them into a tumbler glass and wait for them to sink but eveyrwhere else i looked was the wet paper towel and i thought better to be safe than sorry!
  13. E


    thankyou dude! do you know the best way to transfer? because im scared im gonna hurt em ha
  14. E

    watering :/

    i know its a stupid question but im growing easy ryder auo flowering plants and i wondered how much water and when i need to water? the reason is ive read alot but as most stoners alot of infomation gos in and out haha ive seen so much about too much watering or not enough watering and i dont...
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    im growing my first strain ever and its easy ryder, i have them in small pots maybe 2 litres, and wondered for outdoor will this be big enough till the end product? as i dont wanna cchange em over incase i damage or ruin my grow :/
  16. E

    Plants smaller than anticipated

    ello HH! im also on my first grow ever and also easy ryder, i germinated them inside but moved them straight into pots when they was germinated, id be interested as to how you get on with your grow! btw did you have any problems with germinating, like because i germinated 3 to start two worked...
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    germination to planting

    cheers people, il take all your advice on!
  18. E

    germination to planting

    also does anyone know what size these will grow to as i need to hide them from nosey neighbours! and what is the rough amount of dry bud willi get off of each plant?
  19. E

    germination to planting

    ello fellow smokers! ive recently germinated my first ever seeds, which are easy ryder ( ak47xlowryder#2 ) and im abit confused when you come to planting the seeds, do you plant them under soil so nothing is showing or do you leave the seed in the open air? also im growing these outdoors and...