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  1. aussie dude

    dark period 1 degree over light period

    hey everyone.ive just started my indoor grow with of 4 plants under 400w hps.ive got my lamp running at night time as im down under and its to hot through the day to run it..basically it sits at 31 degrees through the day in the plants dark period and when night comes it sits at around 30 to...
  2. aussie dude

    dark period 1 degree over light period

    ive put this in the wrong forum i think .im sorry to all you greenthumbs
  3. aussie dude

    dark period 1 degree over light period

    hey everyone.ive just started my indoor grow with of 4 plants under 400w hps.ive got my lamp running at night time as im down under and its to hot through the day to run it..basically it sits at 31 degrees through the day in the plants dark period and when night comes it sits at around 30 to 32...
  4. aussie dude

    use rooting hormone when transplanting to a bigger pot

    yeah mate ive just done it on the one for now .it does sound quite risky although thats what life is all about experimenting,it will either bugger the little bloke or may work out reasonably. worth a try either way ,ill keep you all posted .thanks for your input everyone.cheers
  5. aussie dude

    use rooting hormone when transplanting to a bigger pot

    i was thinking along the same lines bro .im gunna give i a crack tomorrow .thanks man
  6. aussie dude

    use rooting hormone when transplanting to a bigger pot

    hey everyone i was thinking about this ,is it possible to clean roots gently with good old h2o and sprinkle clone powder on the roots and then transplanting to final pot ,has anyone got any thoughts on this, any advise wouuld be sweet ,cheers people
  7. aussie dude


    sweet ,thanks bro
  8. aussie dude


    i have seeds from a hermi which is stunted although the seeds are fully mature and have sprouted .will these seeds be stunte to or will they grow to a normal size,also the bloke that polinated her is full size .cheers people
  9. aussie dude

    Hermie... :(?

    i have seeds from a hermi which is stunted although the seeds are fully mature .will these seeds be stunters to or will they grow to a normal size,also the bloke that polinated her is full size .wold love an answer i cant find it anywhere .
  10. aussie dude

    What do you think? Done yet?

    i have seeds from a hermi which is stunted although the seeds are fully mature .will these seeds be stunters to or will they grow to a normal size,also the bloke that polinated her is full size .wold love an answer i cant find it anywhere .any you blokes have an answer .cheers
  11. aussie dude

    Angryblackman's Ugly Outdoor Grow 2011

    i have seeds from a hermi which is stunted although the seeds are fully mature .will these seeds be stunters to or will they grow to a normal size,also the bloke that polinated her is full size .wold love an answer i cant find it anywhere .cheers
  12. aussie dude

    Will Fox Farm Grow Big KILL mycos?

    hey every one .i have a question which i baffling me ,i have seeds from a hermi which is stunted although the seeds are fully mature .will these seeds be stunters to or will they grow to a normal size,also the bloke that polinated her is full size .wold love an answer i cant find it anywhere .
  13. aussie dude

    Plant prob or sunburn?

    thats burn mate .i cant seem to be able to ask questions or im to stoned and its right in front of me, i have a question which i baffling me ,i have seeds from a hermi which is stunted although the seeds are fully mature .will these seeds be stunters to or will they grow to a normal...