use rooting hormone when transplanting to a bigger pot

aussie dude

hey everyone i was thinking about this ,is it possible to clean roots gently with good old h2o and sprinkle clone powder on the roots and then transplanting to final pot ,has anyone got any thoughts on this, any advise wouuld be sweet ,cheers people

bud nugbong

Well-Known Member
ive never heard of this but it sounds like a great idea. i dont think there would be a need for alot but it would really help getting the new roots started. (i think root hormone is mostly vit-b so it shouldnt make you grow a 3rd nut)


Well-Known Member
i use a 1tsp superthrive, 1 tsp clonex liquid rooting hormone and R.O. mix and use it to water the transplants in. they usually never stress and seem to not realise they have been transplanted. much luck, keep us posted!


Active Member
aussie, are you talking about transplanting a clone with naked roots or about transplanting a potted plant? If the roots are already in soil I think it's a bad idea to rinse off the soil.


Well-Known Member
hey everyone i was thinking about this ,is it possible to clean roots gently with good old h2o and sprinkle clone powder on the roots and then transplanting to final pot ,has anyone got any thoughts on this, any advise wouuld be sweet ,cheers people
Why??? Your plant already has roots. Any stress you apply will efffect plants entire life. It will never reach its full potencial if you shock it. I only want to grow the heathlyist most vigerous plants. Everytime you stress the plant you slow it down and it takes time to recover. If you top a plant it stresses it. It stops growing for a bit while hormons rearainge themselves.Transplanting in it self can be stressfull althought if done properly at the proper time it dosent need to be. Cleaning the roots? Can it be done? Yes. But Why?


Active Member
I would definitely not do this.. The object when transplanting is to get as much soil as you can with the entire root ball. Uncovering the roots sounds dangerous. Interesting idea though, seems that creating a dilution of the hormone and watering once transplanting might help promote new roots.


Active Member
aussie you might try it on one plant. I'd be interested to know the results. I don't mind doing the experiment since it's your plant :)

The roots have tiny tiny fibers that grip the soil. I doubt that you could rinse them gently enough to avoid damage and they will be vulnerable when you plant them. Also, the sudden change from soil to nekkid roots in water will be a shock.

aussie dude

yeah mate ive just done it on the one for now .it does sound quite risky although thats what life is all about experimenting,it will either bugger the little bloke or may work out reasonably. worth a try either way ,ill keep you all posted .thanks for your input everyone.cheers


Well-Known Member
I dont understand the logic in using a rooting hormone at transplant time.

When i used coco (im now hydro) i added MYCORRHIZAL FUNGU and TRICHODERMA at transplant time.

BUt washing off the roots and using a rooting hormone, not for me thanks
