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  1. M

    what are you smoking on right now???

    today has been lac, straw cough, kushberry skunk and 2012
  2. M

    Grow baby grow for the 1st time under 250w

    seem kinda stringy. how close is your light?
  3. M

    Cloning Question

    I've never used alcohol just good old razor and the same guy for a long time now and never had an issue. If its not broke dont fix it
  4. M

    Racial attacks in Wisconsin.

    I'm so happy I live in a state where I can carry a concealed firearm :). 16cap@.45
  5. M

    Racial attacks in Wisconsin.

    What violent crime doesn't contain hate within it? Not including the mental
  6. M

    what in your opinion is the most lacking quality in this f&*#@% world today ?

    The electric car thing all goes back to money. 80k a year is not middle class every in the states. So you expect our society to continue to be lazy and expect good jobs out of high school as it did in the past? Let's get real about this situation. You can be lucky(connections or blind luck)...
  7. M

    dog got into my oxy's

    large amounts of mustard works too
  8. M

    Legal advice ??

    its all how you look at it.
  9. M

    urine cleaners

    I like synthetic urine personally
  10. M

    S&P threatens downgrade

    Every president who has allowed these things to continuwe is just as at fault as the man who started them.
  11. M

    S&P threatens downgrade

    Yes he is responsible for that and what has that doen tohjelp our economy? Nothing its actually been a huge detriment to our econmomy and our ability to be fiscally responsible. How did his tax policies do for our country? Oh thats right its what started the killing of the middle class. So...
  12. M

    Legal advice ??

    Dude just play the safe side. Why get greedy whenyou can be legal? 6x3=18 not 28 fyi
  13. M

    S&P threatens downgrade

    Duder was it the dems who created the majority of this def? I think not it was the fiscal policies of the tricky dick that started this noise.
  14. M

    S&P threatens downgrade

    Really? Raising taxes doesn't increase government funds Can you please explain this to me? Where did you study your economic/accounting principles?
  15. M

    Legal advice ??

    Dude thought cali was a 6 per patient?
  16. M

    caught uncle snooping around guerallia grow

    Is your uncle a hard ass? Is he a thief? Does he grow indoor? Are you a bad ass or a punk bitch? I would install motion sensing cameras used in hunting attach to a couple of trees? That will let you know for certain who f'd with your babies. What makes you think he'll try and jack ur shit?
  17. M

    what in your opinion is the most lacking quality in this f&*#@% world today ?

    First off greed is in the heart of all mankind its ingrained in us just like other survival instincts. Sad but true in my eyes. Everybody wants theres its just how much they need to be satisfied and if they are willing and smart enough to accomplish it. Actually the lower clas run the...
  18. M

    what in your opinion is the most lacking quality in this f&*#@% world today ?

    I think people lack intrelligence and the want to grow themselves as humans. This I beleive without intelligence there can be no real common sense. Common sensne to an intelligent person will becompletely different from a lessor intellegence. Freedom - Just because you view less free...
  19. M

    Blue widow freebie from attittude

    Are you toclone fromflower stage?
  20. M

    Blue widow freebie from attittude

    No dude your good. Do you know how to clone?