Legal advice ??


Active Member
Hey I live in socal with my girl and my bro, we all have doctor recommendations for medical marijuana..... We currently have 28 mature plants outdoor and 21 immature (nursery). we also have this attached form along with copies of our recommendations hung up in our garden. My question is , is there anything more we can or should do other than get a lawyer to better legitimize our grow incase shit?? I've been hearing and seeing alot of people who has there rec and not even doing outrageous grows getting raided


Active Member
I can't attach the forum but it basically says we are all prop 215 patients and are cooperating collectively to grow meds for all 3 of us in the same garden with signatures. And all that good shit


Active Member
It is but I have a 99 plant exemption but I'm learning that county laws trumps my exemption thats why I'm here now trying to get advice from riu
Maybe its some peeps on here who been threw it already and can help me better prepare.... Well informed is well equipped ! Also I don't sell or donate to collectives all my meds will be for myself and I won't be doing another grow until I'm running out.....


Active Member
Like I said I have a99 plant exemption and only went 28 that's not greedy at all my friend! However now that I know my county law trumps my exemption I will be getting rid of a few or adding patients to my collective