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  1. Fuzzology

    Hydroponic First timer

    If they are still young you are better off hand watering at the moment, because your "medium" is soil you do not want to over water them. In Bio Bizz light soil from seed they should only really get water for the first 2 weeks then introduce your feed at a low strength. DON'T over water them...
  2. Fuzzology

    Can anyone help? Yellowing leaves 1 week into bloom.

    It's gold leaf 60/40 out a bag, I give them Cana A&B, liquid bat guano(liquid), silicone, Rizotonic, canazyene, I will give them boost and Pk 13/14 a bit later. I normally use cana coco and mix perlite and bat guano through it and a bit of super thrive( just for luck lol) but it was just easier...
  3. Fuzzology

    Can anyone help? Yellowing leaves 1 week into bloom.

    Thanking you, I'll get some tomorrow. What would you say the curling is? the same thing or could that be over heating?
  4. Fuzzology

    Welcome New Members!

    Hey, been growing for a while now, had a break and am now back on it! Came across a few problems lately and was looking for experience to save myself some heartache later and share my experience also. Currently doing Chocolope and Cotton Candy (mostly).
  5. Fuzzology

    Can anyone help? Yellowing leaves 1 week into bloom.

    The ppm of my water is 0, you would be hard pushed to get cleaner. Why would my PH run off be 7 if I'm putting 5.6 in. Here are some better photos.
  6. Fuzzology

    Can anyone help? Yellowing leaves 1 week into bloom.

    RO water?, it's soft I'm sure and I leave it 24hours after it comes out the tap before I use it.
  7. Fuzzology

    Can anyone help? Yellowing leaves 1 week into bloom.

    I think the curling is heat but I'm not sure, I did have a little heat problem but it's looking ok now. I have 3, 600w, HPS just over 12" away from the tops. It's not nitrogen I'm sure. After a closer look I can see it's on new and old growth. IT looks to me like PH so I checked my run off and...
  8. Fuzzology

    Can anyone help? Yellowing leaves 1 week into bloom.

    I know, I just thought I would stick something up on the post till my lights go out. I'll post some more up tonight.
  9. Fuzzology

    Can anyone help? Yellowing leaves 1 week into bloom.

    Can anyone help me?I'm getting yellowing leaves 1 week into flowering. I have a few diffrent strains but only seems to be a few that are getting the yellowing. I'm growing in 15L Air pots a with a 60/40 coco mix, with canna A&B. My PH is running about 5.6/5.8 and my EC 1.3/1.5 I have a little...