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  1. S

    Should I cut the cheese?!

    Got a confidential cheese that is 3 days away from 8 weeks into flowering.(Vegged it for 2 weeks) The buds are large and ROCK hard! The only problem is that the majority of the hairs are still a milky white, Id say only about 30-40 percent is amber hair. How do I know if its ready to chop? I...
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    Should I have done this?

    So my confidential cheese is 7 weeks into flowering... ALOT of the fan leave were turning yellow so I decided to cut the entire leaf off at the stem so it would allow more light to hit the bottom buds...but, I knida went a little over board and cut alot nof leafs. so my question is, is my...
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    Oh no I think I killed my plant...

    So my plant is about 2 weeks old and about 7 inchs tall. i have been LSTing it and i was tying it down and I sanpped the top 2 inches took two nodes with it. Now all i have left is 8 nodes for growth...will my plant survive...I mean I guess I kind of just topped it if you think about...
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    Fox farm grow big on a seeding?

    The bottle says on the back "Seedling Feeding" and it calls for you to put like 1/4 teaspoon into a gallon of water...can i use that on a seedling?
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    Question about Watering and water?

    Where can I get one of these ph test kits? i know its supposed to be between 6.5 and 7 right?
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    Simple Question About Temps and Humidity, and other general growing

    yeah i got like 200 watts all together. I just dont wanna fry my little girl
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    Question about Watering and water?

    my spelling sucks! I gotta proof read lol
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    Question about Watering and water?

    So im broke...which isnt anything new. So I dont want to buy anything like a meter reader. So my question is Is there a water that has the correct PH levels?n like distilled water? ive also read on a forum of sombody boiling it and then getting it to room temp, and that makes it in the correct...
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    Simple Question About Temps and Humidity, and other general growing

    Thanks man! ill deff start a journal. Ill prolly post it on here. Ive looked at alot of journals were other growers helped out alot. So ill take some pics tonight and get one started.
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    Simple Question About Temps and Humidity, and other general growing

    lol sorry. The light is about 3-4 inches from the plant. I watered it once so far, it just seems tiny, then again they are lowryders, so they arent gonna get huge id imagine. thanks for the advice guys!
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    Simple Question About Temps and Humidity, and other general growing

    useing 2 27 watt CFLs A seed that sprouted 2 days ago temps at 77. Highest it gets to is 82, and humidity is at 65 percent,i know its only been two days coming up on three, since it has popped out of the soil and its a lowryder strain, but its got one set of leaves and about a half inch tall, is...
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    quesion about PH level in water

    So I dont have a meter reader for my do I know its at the correct PH or at lkeast close to it...Will letting the water sit for a day or two help it at all? any suguestions?
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    ShortRider Not enough light.??

    Next grow try LST (low stress training), look into it. that will help with the amount of light you have. also reflective material. but if you LST your light will penetrate a little bit more evenly.
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    Im sure its crossed all of your minds

    Right now i have a little paranoia, i live in NY, I want to plant 1 lowryder, one measly lowryder! Hypathetically speaking if someone were to find this info out and I was caught by the five 0, what would be my charge, because i think they weigh the whole plant when they charge you not just your...
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    is it too late to plant?

    Thanks! hopefully ill make it...Jamacinskunk how do you think i should cover them...thats a good idea. but how and with what?
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    is it too late to plant?

    I ordered the seeds from world wide seed bank or somthing like that.
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    is it too late to plant?

    Great info guys! there in the pellets now, ill do 24 hours light for a week or two then theyll be outside...Im about an hour from weird.
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    is it too late to plant?

    ULMreasearch, good call! I was going to just stick'em in the ground but i got 2 gallon pots that would be perfect, guess ill just have to keep a close eye on the weather and make sure it wont frost. UKJW these are autoflowering lowryders, there total grow time is only about 2 months. they dont...
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    Pablo's 2011 SoCal Balcony Grow

    that top cola looks amazing.
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    is it too late to plant?

    yeah im gonna put them in jiffy pellets and let them grow a little bit inside. Farmers alminac said 10/19 for the first frost...gonna be cutting it close but will see, thanks for the info fellas.