Simple Question About Temps and Humidity, and other general growing

useing 2 27 watt CFLs A seed that sprouted 2 days ago temps at 77. Highest it gets to is 82, and humidity is at 65 percent,i know its only been two days coming up on three, since it has popped out of the soil and its a lowryder strain, but its got one set of leaves and about a half inch tall, is that normal? could the lights be to close? and am i useing wnough for a seedling? im useing fox farm soil, i got it in a jiffy pellet and then put it in fox farm soil. Should I start a Journal? lol might have too! any comments sugjestions would be awesome!


Well-Known Member
useing 2 27 watt CFLs A seed that sprouted 2 days ago temps at 77. Highest it gets to is 82, and humidity is at 65 percent,i know its only been two days coming up on three, since it has popped out of the soil and its a lowryder strain, but its got one set of leaves and about a half inch tall, is that normal? could the lights be to close? and am i useing wnough for a seedling? im useing fox farm soil, i got it in a jiffy pellet and then put it in fox farm soil. Should I start a Journal? lol might have too! any comments sugjestions would be awesome!
How could I know if it's too far from the light when you don't tell me how far of a distance it is?

It sounds like you're doing fine, but keep reading.

Lord Dangly Bits

Well-Known Member
useing 2 27 watt CFLs A seed that sprouted 2 days ago temps at 77. Highest it gets to is 82, and humidity is at 65 percent,i know its only been two days coming up on three, since it has popped out of the soil and its a lowryder strain, but its got one set of leaves and about a half inch tall, is that normal? could the lights be to close? and am i useing wnough for a seedling? im useing fox farm soil, i got it in a jiffy pellet and then put it in fox farm soil. Should I start a Journal? lol might have too! any comments sugjestions would be awesome!

Ok First off. you got to learn to BREATH!!!! You are freaking out. hahahajust settle down. And do not love your plant to death. If you are useing 27 watt cfls, you can get your light down to about 2-3 inches with no trouble. Do not over water your plant!!!! If you think it needs water, then wait a day. If you think it needs its first feeding, then wait 10 days. Go slow and be patient. And do not be misting the shit out of your plant either.
On the journal, YES!!!!!!! New growers should always keep a journal. I still keep a journal on new strains. I am not talking about a journal on this site. But if you did, you might get some help when you need it.

Good Luck, and go slow.
lol sorry. The light is about 3-4 inches from the plant. I watered it once so far, it just seems tiny, then again they are lowryders, so they arent gonna get huge id imagine. thanks for the advice guys!


Active Member
useing 2 27 watt CFLs A seed that sprouted 2 days ago temps at 77. Highest it gets to is 82, and humidity is at 65 percent,i know its only been two days coming up on three, since it has popped out of the soil and its a lowryder strain, but its got one set of leaves and about a half inch tall, is that normal? could the lights be to close? and am i useing wnough for a seedling? im useing fox farm soil, i got it in a jiffy pellet and then put it in fox farm soil. Should I start a Journal? lol might have too! any comments sugjestions would be awesome!
  • 2x 27 CFLs dont generate enough heat so relax
  • Humidity is fine at 65% or even if it goes higher it will still be fine for vegetation, it's during flower that you need around 50-60% to avoid bud rot. But my last grow with crappy ventilation had humidity varying from low 80s to high 90s throughout and it still made it so chill.
  • The height is ok, it's a young plant AND a low ryder, relax
  • Don't start feeding it yet or you'll most probably burn it. I have some autoflowers outdoors in a similar soil and I don't start feeding before week 3 just normal water.
  • Remember it's easier to recover from underwatering or underfeeding than the other way around. Less doesn't kill, more does.
  • Do start a journal, always!
  • RELAX, I know it's hard, I was panicked 24/7 during my first grow and it didn't help ;)

Now suggestions, if you want to get some decent yields you need to add some more light, if not now then later when they start flowering. Tell us a little more about your grow space and also what nutrients you will be using.

Thanks man! ill deff start a journal. Ill prolly post it on here. Ive looked at alot of journals were other growers helped out alot. So ill take some pics tonight and get one started.

Lord Dangly Bits

Well-Known Member
Thanks man! ill deff start a journal. Ill prolly post it on here. Ive looked at alot of journals were other growers helped out alot. So ill take some pics tonight and get one started.
The Journal I speak of is not on this site. I found it very helpful when I was new, or even now when I try out a new strain to keep a note book. I give all the information I can think of. Day I started to Germ, when they were planted. Temps, humidity. First time fed, How much and how often.
Now If I want to grow some train wreck once again. Even though it was 4 years ago. I can pretty much do it in my sleep. Because i will just pull out that Journal. I will then know they are heavy eaters and have a tendency to flop over from the weight of the massive buds.

This is one of the main reasons I never listen to people when they say. Hey feed your plants at 900 PPM, when they do not even know what strain I am growing or what nutrients I am useing. I broke my PPM pen about 2 years ago. And have not had the need to replace it. To me a PPM pen is almost worthless. Unless I was running a Hydro system that used a rez. Then I would just use it to make sure my PPM's did not spike freaky high at times.