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  1. SourJac

    Are My Male Plants Gonna Bud Or What ? Not Budding Help!!!!!!

    How do you know if its a hermie???? our plant i believe was a female now its a male any idea what caused it to change? or did it just deceive us from the get go???? not sure what to do any ideas????
  2. SourJac

    been growing my plant for about 2 months now shes growing really good. shes 2 feet tall. got...

    been growing my plant for about 2 months now shes growing really good. shes 2 feet tall. got decent sized leaves . so far so good. :)
  3. SourJac

    sluts and nice girls

    mhm messages lol that would be sweet. ooo and a blunt lmfao but anyways ya i would say about 100% of girls are sluts in their on ways.
  4. SourJac

    best way to germinate seeds

    i think the whole towel thing for germinating is a bad idea. Ur better off going with the water in a cup and waiting for the seed to sink.