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  1. mysigns

    Nitrogen Deficiency Problems :(

    I wouldn't try that kind of fertiliser. Try Bio-Bizz Bio Grow NPK 8-2-6 and some Sea weed extract (kelp) as foliant spray once a week. They are both organic and they shouldn't hurt your plants. For the worm casting, I can't help you...well it depends on which part of the planet you live...
  2. mysigns

    Nitrogen Deficiency Problems :(

    i don't know if it's too late but what I suggest to do is to collect as much rain water you can. Then you need to get some worm casting (rich of nitrogen) and mix it with water. Give that water to the plants and they will say thank you... vibes
  3. mysigns

    2 Plants from one seed!!

    It happened the same at one of my seeds. Two plants from 1 seed and I couldn't believe it! To be honest I 'm not ready to tell you what sex they are but I think 1 is male and 1 is female (just instinct). Any thoughts?
  4. mysigns

    Drooping Dry Leaves?

    I have the same issue now. How did it go then? Did distilled water help you?
  5. mysigns


    Hi everyone! Help! I have an issue with my 24 days old plants (skunk #11 feminised seeds - dutch passion). For the first 2 weeks they have been growing with a 60 watt neon light stick just above them of 12cm. They have been growing in a place which is 80 cm deep, 1,50m W and 1,80m H. They are...