Nitrogen Deficiency Problems :(


Well-Known Member
Lighting: 3x 23 Watt CFL (24 Hours)
Soil: Mix 1/3 of each; Perlite, Peat Moss, Schultz's Organic Potting Soil (NPK is off which caused this)

I have been slowly fixing the problems with my plants and I believe I found the latest problem with my plants, nitrogen deficiency.

I have access to Miracle Grow All Purpose Plant good and Blood Meal. I heard that both of these could possibly fix the conditions of my plant.

I have had stunted growth (big time), yellowing from bottom of plant up.. tips of leaves inward and brown spots to appear on the youngest seedling I now have.

I do not have a pH meter as to all the stores are out of them, so I coudl be suffering from pH problems BUT i have been using distilled water so if there is a problem, it would be from the soil im guessing. I do not have access to more soil, I have tried and the stores around me just dont have anything else... Tried 2 types of soil:(, but I am going to make a drive and try and pick up some more if I cant find anything else :)

Not sure where else to to turn to or what to do. Any help would be greatly appreciated.. Thank you :)



Active Member
i don't know if it's too late but what I suggest to do is to collect as much rain water you can. Then you need to get some worm casting (rich of nitrogen) and mix it with water. Give that water to the plants and they will say thank you...



Well-Known Member
Plants are still around... Just growing little bits at a time, im sure serverly damaging yield and what not.

Rain is hard to come by, but I can try that.... But with worm castings Im not exactly sure where to get those.

But is there any way that I could try the Miracle Grow or Blood Meal stuff?


Active Member
I wouldn't try that kind of fertiliser. Try Bio-Bizz Bio Grow NPK 8-2-6 and some Sea weed extract (kelp) as foliant spray once a week. They are both organic and they shouldn't hurt your plants. For the worm casting, I can't help you...well it depends on which part of the planet you live...!!!

let me know if you can find this stuff


Well-Known Member
Not a clue where to purchase either of those? Any chance you could direct me towards a store that would sell them?


Well-Known Member
Sorry for double posting, but really need some help on this.

Any idea on online purchasing if I cant find any in stores? Help is greatly appreciated :)


Well-Known Member
OK I will have to check for a nursery around me and get some there...

Also anyone know of a good pH tester to get, nothing too expensive. Are the strips of paper good enough or should I get a digital one. I was looking at digital just for convenience.:joint::mrgreen: