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  1. treekiller

    indoor veg time

    I've started my first indoor grow with 4 ak47 plants under 400w mh in soil. My question is what's the max ht i should let it get before switching to flower?
  2. treekiller

    storage leak

    thanks for feedback, I've located leak. so won't be issue anymore.
  3. treekiller

    DIY ebb & flow

    I'm currently planning to build a flood and drain system. two questions. How small of pots can I use, would 3 gallon be enough or can one large 9 gallon tray be used? only looking to grow 6-9 plants at a time. if pots are used do i need two separate lines in each pot for supply and return or...
  4. treekiller

    storage leak

    Been while since I posted but I have few questions. I have this small storage shed I converted into a grow room only to realize the piece of shit has a leak after I set up grow equipment but luckily I sealed off room with plastic so nothing was damaged. I don't trust the plastic to hold back...
  5. treekiller

    indoor air extraction

    if i scrub and extract the air from grow room, can i still supply cO2 without it being effected?
  6. treekiller

    What really works against GRASSHOPPERS???

    Release some praying mantis and let em feast
  7. treekiller

    emergency self pollenation

    I'm growing afghan kush outdoor and they are all female which is awesome but I want seeds for next year. So I'm thinking about sacrificing one and letting it go into emergency self pollenation mode at the end of season. Has anyone here ever done this and what are the draw backs? Will it create...
  8. treekiller

    cloning with rockwool

    its grown from fem seeds i purchased so i hope so or im shopping elsewhere next time.
  9. treekiller

    cloning with rockwool

    good idea ill start by "reading" the replies to this thread.
  10. treekiller

    cloning with rockwool

    I'm plan on taken two cuts from a 3 week old plant that's about a foot tall right now and I'm plan on attempting my first clone using rockwool. So I have two questions Will the cuts harm my plant this early? What steps should I use to treat the rockwool for better results?
  11. treekiller

    Should I supply c02

    I'm looking to start a small closet grow with just one plant and 150 watt hps light to get my feet wet. Which leads me to two questions. 1) do I need supply c02 to the one plant or is that a waste? 2) do I need ballast to run such a low wattage light.
  12. treekiller

    dyna gro neem oil?

    neem stopped the grasshoppers in my garden last year, that and few preying mantis but i think they all wandered off
  13. treekiller

    watering question

    TreeTree? you must have been in a rush creating your account much like I was.
  14. treekiller

    Found two seed pods...yay!

    I doubt its one per calyx atleast i hope not because its a pretty big size. I read somewhere that pollenating one branch can create hundreds but think thats exaggeration
  15. treekiller

    Found two seed pods...yay!

    Im currently growing widow and started out with three but two was males so i killed them right away but saved a lil pollen and impregnanted a lower branch of the sole female. I now see two swollen pods and was wondering how many seeds are produced by one pod? I want a good bit of seeds not one...
  16. treekiller

    The late crop avoids the chops

    I kinda figured that, but im using mix stash seeds, i diffinitely wouldnt attempt this with any purchased highgrade strain however. Im trying to get seeds more than buds at this point to be honest while avoiding mutt plants as much as possible and get more expierence under my belt since this has...
  17. treekiller

    The late crop avoids the chops

    Is it to late in the growing season to start another crop? Im thinking if i get it down and sprouting before next week that would give it a exact month of veg before daylight hits 12hrs, atleast i hope so because i already got them germ'n, think this will work?
  18. treekiller

    How Many Hours Should I Use a HPS For?

    Think you used that light for entirely too long, only thing its good for now is lighting up your kitchen because the color spectrum is about, if not completely shot. I think total usage hours is around 3k if not less.
  19. treekiller

    Indoor grow set up

    Im looking the build my first indoor grow (grew outside past season) and looking to go hydro dwc. I went and obtained a product catalog from local grow shop with pages upon pages of products im sure i dont need. I'm trying to keep building/ operating cost as low as possible so i know i wont be...
  20. treekiller

    First seed purchase

    I am looking to purchase some seeds, white widow to be exact and I'm thinking of using dr chronic or either attitude. Are there any suggestions for reliable seed banks that won't rip me off becuase I have an alotted amount of funds for my entire set up and every dollar counts.