What really works against GRASSHOPPERS???


My plant finally started flowering about 7 days ago. I've noticed grasshopper damage to my plant these couple of days. Today a small bud site looked eaten. What works against grasshoppers? I have read neem oil works? I wanna take care of this before it's to far along flowering. I know it's a grasshopper I seen it yesterday but didn't manage to kill it.


Mad Hamish

Well-Known Member
Only thing I found to ever work against those bastards is some netting mate. No poisons or deterrents organic or chemical do the job, at least not anything you can spray on your plants. Whenever you see them, step on 'em that's about it.


Only thing I found to ever work against those bastards is some netting mate. No poisons or deterrents organic or chemical do the job, at least not anything you can spray on your plants. Whenever you see them, step on 'em that's about it.
Ok thanks. I'm going to look into some kind of screen/netting.


Well-Known Member
i have the same problem, i take a step anywhere in my yard and like 20 grasshoppers go flying lol im trying some stuff i got tomarrow, apparently it fucks up scorpions, so maybe itl work against these. if not, i gotta figure something out quick cuz my plants getting to big for the chicken wire, the netting is a good idea. Care to elaborate?