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  1. Bizkitcrux

    When to switch to HPS from CFL?

    That's exactly what I was thinking, but you're probably right, worrying about trivialities probably makes no difference in the end.
  2. Bizkitcrux

    When to switch to HPS from CFL?

    My first crop was grown solely with hps and the results were excellent, but controlling the heat was a challenge. For my 2nd grow, I'm using (2)125W CFLs for veg, planning to switch to 400W hps for flowering. So far, things are going very well. I like the lower temps, lower electric bill, and...
  3. Bizkitcrux

    if this bag weed barely got me high can i still make good bud with it?

    I have grown bag seed that turned out absolutely dynamite. But... If you're growing indoors, IMHO you're better off getting seeds from a reputable source for two reasons: 1. You've already spent a lot of money on equipment. I doesn't make sense cheaping out on seeds and risk ending up with...
  4. Bizkitcrux

    Carbon filters!!!

    Can someone recommend a good source for replacement carbon?
  5. Bizkitcrux

    250 or 400 hps?

    I'm using the 117cfm fan for room ventilation in addition to another, similar but smaller (92mm), fan used exclusively for cooling the light hood. A third fan runs the carbon filter. Altogether, the three fans are still quieter and cheaper by far than the one 4" inline fan.
  6. Bizkitcrux

    250 or 400 hps?

    Man, the same thing happened to me. The guy at the hydro shop talked me into a 600W for my 3x3 closet. It was way too much and couldn't control the heat. Luckily, it was a dimmable ballast and I ended up running a 400W on the same ballast. The 4" inline fan I bought ended up being a bit much...
  7. Bizkitcrux

    Question About Draining

    In this pic of the overflow/drain tube on my setup, you can see how short the one on the left is. That's the one from the pump. Adding or removing spacers on the overflow tube on the right determines the max height of the nutrient solution. You could add the spacers to the tube on the left, but...
  8. Bizkitcrux

    Question About Draining

    You should remove the spacers on tube from the pump to get it as low as possible. You want the bottom of the growing media to be completely above the level of the nutrient solution when not on the watering cycle. Rockwool will draw nutrient solution up from the bottom through capillary action...
  9. Bizkitcrux

    Venus fly trap starting to flower, any growers of this? need advice!

    I think I heard somewhere that they go dormant after flowering, but come back again after a while. I'll bet you could easily find out more with a little online research. I had one live for at least four years. I remember it flowering several times. I never gave it fertilizer but did feed it...
  10. Bizkitcrux

    HPS lighting question

    Hydrofarm makes a 150, but I haven't used it. I imagine it's not a huge amount of light, though. No matter how small your garden. For something in that wattage and price, you might do better with a CFL setup.
  11. Bizkitcrux

    HPS lighting question

    No matter what type of light you use, your fan(s) will make more noise.
  12. Bizkitcrux

    LED lighting has anyone used in flowering

    Check out this grow. I don't know about you, but the buds look pretty impressive to me. Grown start to finish with LED.
  13. Bizkitcrux

    Riverside's First Grow - Stealth Bookshelf w/ 180w Blackstar LED

    I'm glad I ran across this thread. According to many posts I've read, growing nice buds is totally impossible under LEDs. Clearly you've proven them wrong. I'm on my first indoor grow with a 400W HPS. Winter is fast approaching and the heat in my closet grow is barely under control. I can't...
  14. Bizkitcrux

    This Noob screwed up! Will they survive?

    I've put on a bigger fan and went from watering once per day to every other day. How much H2O2 should I add to a 10 gal reservoir? Will this kill the fungus? (I'm assuming it's a fungus).
  15. Bizkitcrux

    This Noob screwed up! Will they survive?

    OK. I have over-watered my plants and the base of the stems of about half of them are wasting away. As soon as I noticed this, I corrected the problem by cutting way back on the watering schedule. The thing is, they are still growing. Are they doomed? The one in the picture has it the worst.:cry:
  16. Bizkitcrux

    Minor leaf damage, nutrient, and topping questions

    This is my first indoor grow and I'm very much want to get this right. As you can see from the pics, there is some minor damage on a couple of the leaves which I suspect is from heat or low humidity.There are no signs of any pests. I'm running a 400W HPS in an air-cooled reflector. Temps with...
  17. Bizkitcrux

    1st Grow... When to Transplant?

    Okay, for the record, they're in 4" rockwool cubes as pictured. As you can see, they've grown quite a bit since yesterday. I'm growing in an ebb and flood system which I may convert to drip later.
  18. Bizkitcrux

    1st Grow... When to Transplant?

    Thanks! I'm on it.
  19. Bizkitcrux

    1st Grow... When to Transplant?

    OK, so this is my first indoor/hydro grow. I'm growing in 1.5" rockwool cubes and wondering how to tell when to transplant to a larger cube. The plants are growing very fast. I took this pic 20 hours ago, and they're noticeably larger already.