if this bag weed barely got me high can i still make good bud with it?


ok ive been growing for about 2 years now and ive never used seed from bag weed. but my friend joey gave me some from some bud we smoked, it wasnt a very good high at all but im pretty good at getting good, potent weed and this looked like it was it was just planted and left there,not grown properly, but the seeds are alive and well. should i be able to get decent potent weed from it?


Active Member
ok ive been growing for about 2 years now and ive never used seed from bag weed. but my friend joey gave me some from some bud we smoked, it wasnt a very good high at all but im pretty good at getting good, potent weed and this looked like it was it was just planted and left there,not grown properly, but the seeds are alive and well. should i be able to get decent potent weed from it?
hell NOOOOOO !!!!!!! lol


New Member
That is actually a very good question. I am sure that genetics and breeding are huge factors, but grower error happens. I am sure we can all admit too that. The only way to really know for sure is to pop it and grow it. Treat it no different than any other plant and see what happens.


Well-Known Member
People normaly chuck seeds from bunk.

get some royal queen kush their only £4 pr 3 fem pack with their 50%


Well-Known Member
bag seed can be great!!!.. I grew bagseed for half a year while I honed my skills in before I paid for expensive genetics.... IF its grown in a good environment and has the food it needs and is kept from males so it doesn't go into seed.. it will be better then what you smoked. Anytime a plant goes into seeding the thc production pretty much stops.. because the plant is putting its effort into making seeds.. thats why sensimillia is seedless and more potent. I cant say 100% sure that the genetics will be good.. but it can be .. I had some bag seed grows that turned out nicer then some strains I have paid 50-100 dollars for .. Just make sure you dont let a male in your room.. and make sure that you dont over do it and run a bunch of em... but as for experimenting with a couple.. it can be fun and rewarding!


Well-Known Member
well, OG Kush and Sour Diesel and Chem Dawg all originated from bag seed. so yea it is possible to find gems.

most commercial dank is harvested to soon, not dried cured flushed properly, usually not organic, and then vacuum sealed and shipped degrading the quantity and the quality of the trichs.

so yea i'd say if you pop bag seeds and you know what you are doing, then you can easily produce a higher quality product than the product from which the seeds originated.


Well-Known Member
I ad some great bag seed from a bubblegum bag I bought, in full oz I got 4 seeds. all turned out females not herms and was some of the best Bgum I ad to date.
This was offcourse years ago as I wouldnt do bag seed unless it was supper potent pot


Well-Known Member
The short answer is, yes it definitely is possible to come up with excellent buds starting with seeds from a bag of mediocre weed.

Some of the seedy Mexican "schwag" stuff has pretty good genetics, actually better than some commercially available strains.

The problem with it is that these plants are grown outside with males so they get seedy, harvested before they hit peak potency, cured badly, pressed into bricks for smuggling, exposed to all kinds of harsh storage conditions for who knows how long, then crumbled into pieces for street sale. So of course you're not getting the full potential of the plant that way. If you take the same seeds, only grow the plants seedlessly, harvest them when they're actually at their peak, and then cure them properly, what you end up with can be WAY better than the stuff in the bag you started with to the point where its barely recognizable as the same plant.

If you think that's the case with the seeds you have, that they just were grown carelessly, harvested and cured badly, etc, then yeah, you might end up with something great.

If all you have are these bag seeds, then sure, plant them. At worst, they'll make good "practice" seeds while you are learning how to grow, setting up your garden, and saving up your pennies for top-level genetics. There really are two caveats here:

-Ultimately you're going to be limited by the quality of the genetics you're starting with. If the strain is crap, all your work is not going to yield much. So if you have limited space/time to grow, and you have seeds you KNOW are excellent, then it may not pay to take a chance here with unknown seeds.

-Before starting you don't really know what you're going to get. So you don't know how long its going to take the plants to flower, how stretchy they might be, how much they might smell, etc. Its a bit of a crap shoot that way.


Well-Known Member
I ad some great bag seed from a bubblegum bag I bought, in full oz I got 4 seeds. all turned out females not herms and was some of the best Bgum I ad to date.
This was offcourse years ago as I wouldnt do bag seed unless it was supper potent pot
its more dangerous running seeds from a really good sack with a "few" seeds in it .. because of the chance of herms.. still might not happen .. but chances are the reason the seeds are there .. expecially if its just a couple is because the plant self pollinated itself..

If you get a bag of schwag and its got tons of seeds.. its normally just carelessly grown .. normally in mexico .. with males and females being around eachother .. but these seeds normally end up being very stable.. just remove the males.. I prefer to grow these ..

Canna got lucky.. and if its a risk your willing to take.. it could be great.. but you could also spend hundreds of dollars and 4 months only to find out that its herm genetics and gets seeded .

Long story short.. Really good bud with a couple seeds is riskier but higher chance of getting something good...
Heavily seeded mexican type bud will give you more stable genetics but its hit or miss if its gonna be something good..

Either way if its the only seeds ya got .. or your new to growing.. plant them babies :) Good Luck!


Active Member
I would only grow 1 or 2 of the bagseed and more of proven strain so if the bagseed turnout to be bad genetics then i would still have somthing too smoke :P


I have grown bag seed that turned out absolutely dynamite.


If you're growing indoors, IMHO you're better off getting seeds from a reputable source for two reasons:

1. You've already spent a lot of money on equipment. I doesn't make sense cheaping out on seeds and risk ending up with something mediocre after all your time and $$ spent.

2. Many strains that are developed for indoor growing stay much shorter. That dynamite weed that I grew from bag seed I mentioned above was grown outdoors and reached a height of 12 feet (4m)!

Omgwtfbbq Indicaman

Well-Known Member
You've never grown bagseed?

i used to grow seeds from the zips of schwag i'd buy to make brownies with, and each time i got some plants that were absolute dirt and others that were worth holding onto.

I depends on whether or not you liked the high you got from the schwag, because odds are the seed you got is of a self pollinated plant, or S1/s2/s3... that means, it was one of the plants that was shit and not worth curing OR (since we cannot determine the growers reasoning) it is a S1/s2/s3... of a really good plant that they have kept a while and a batch went herm and they didn't bother curing it.