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  1. K

    Coalition against Mites

    Hello, I bought some Monterey Garden Insect Spray instead of Monterey Garden Insect Soil Drench. Can I use the "spray" product AS a soil drench??
  2. K

    My Archive Favorites

    Yes Master. Wax on, Wax off. Excellent flowers by any standards.
  3. K

    First Grow Is a Little Late and I could Use Some Advice

    Sorry for some fuzzy pics. I am working on that.
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    First Grow Is a Little Late and I could Use Some Advice

    I transplanted 6 clones on June 15. They were 8 to 10 inches with the exception of one. 5 White Widow and 1 Strawberry ... They are in an excellent spot and get plenty of sun. They are in a sandy but supplemented soil. I have been using nuts. Using FF Big Bloom right now. I tied over 2 of the...
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    You dudes sound like the moms at a little league game. I will talk growing with anybody, inexperienced or experienced.
  6. K

    rd116 Outdoor 2011

    Well raise my rent!!! Nice tree farm dude!
  7. K

    What nutes is everyone using right now outside??

    Now I am growing legal, I guess I can't complain that much!!:))
  8. K

    What nutes is everyone using right now outside??

    Thank you for confirming that. One poke shit!!!! I scored it in 79 off the docks in King Harbor, LA. They say it is more potent these days, but they are not familiar with/including some of the incredible Jamaican Ganj, the hawaiian (Kauai Electric), and the "face folding" Thai Weed of that era...
  9. K

    Molasses for taste or for the health of the plant?

    Thank you for the info. I appreciate it.
  10. K

    Beautiful Sweet Leaf & Sunshine

    You should enter those pics in the fair!!!
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    Molasses for taste or for the health of the plant?

    Enough Said
  12. K

    Late start-middle June.

    Today I tied a couple of the girls over ie. LST. They have responded already. :)
  13. K

    First time outdoors

    Looks like a girl to me.
  14. K

    What nutes is everyone using right now outside??

    Anyone ever smoke or grow Buddha Tia stick. I think it was opiumated. I am still recovering.
  15. K

    What nutes is everyone using right now outside??

    Fox Farms Big Bloom switching to Tiger Bloom. What does mollasses do. Is it for flavor or health? Help me out.
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    Late start-middle June.

    Mine seem to be at the exact same stage as the pics of yours. Being a 70's kid, I love that "homegrown" is not a bad word anymore!!!@! I do miss the high grade imports from that era. Sativa monsters from the tropics!!!
  17. K

    Late start-middle June.

    Nice. Me too. I started mine on June 10 or 12. They are White Widow and Strawberry Kush clones or something. They are soooo happy. They are pushing 5 feet right now and look like they are preflowering now. In the northeast of Oregon, we have such summer weather, not a cloud for weeks, that I...
  18. K

    Flower outdoor then bring indoor....?

    You know you've smoked a good sativa when people can tell you are high from literally 100 yards away. :)
  19. K

    Check Out My Girls!

    Nice! What are we looking at? I have WWidow that look similar. I just came in from the/my girls. It is sick that I can just sit with them and chill for hours.