
RIU Bulldog
Your mad at people for wasting time with stupid threads, yet you write a totally useless thread yourself.
The hypocrisy is astounding. Quit being a bully.
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Well-Known Member
I guess you didn't read the whole thread beansly.........why can't I waste everyones time could've skipped it like they told me to do....your being the bully


Well-Known Member
How about if you see the same question you've answered before you just skip over it and ignore it. Pretty simple. Some people don't mind answering questions and helping people out even if they are the same old questions. If you do then don't. No need to start a stupid thread about it.


Well-Known Member
I've used google to search a question I have and get shitloads of links on the specific question, and a good number of those links lead here. IMO doing that works better than searching the site. Google is invaluable, I don't know why more folks don't use it. ANY question you have on any topic, you'll find the answer using google

kbo ca

Active Member
you gotta expect to hear the same questions on here. Every grower asked them at one point or another. This place was made for people to ask questions, and for growers with experience under their belt to answer them. Some people like to pass down knowledge. OP, if you don't like hearing the same questions over and over again, don't ever have kids. Respect


RIU Bulldog
I guess you didn't read the whole thread beansly.........why can't I waste everyones time could've skipped it like they told me to do....your being the bully
Your mom.

See I can say just kidding after being ass too! Kinda like what this was supposed to be;
hehehe I finally started a thread that got some comments!! OK guys, everyone that's bashing me over this thread....I expected it for sure. I'm really not a dickhead and the people here that have been around a while know that. I was smiling and chuckling tha whole time I was making the thread, because it's really NOT that big a deal, even to me. Yes I can skip the same ol' questions if I don't want to read em', and I do, and I will.
I was really just trying to get people to use the forum for what it's here for, to get info you need, and to share your work and experiences with each other, and to use the tools that are here for the info, like the sticky's.
I got nothin' but love for all of you!! Even the guys that ask the same question over and over and over and over and over......


Active Member
This was not a "totally useless thread" as some suddenly up in arms posters would like to present it as. I agree with wheezer: stop cluttering up the boards with questions you can easily answer with a bit of effort, effectively pushing back interesting threads to page 4. Christ, what is wrong with that critique? Is any criticism allowed? Or does it need to be accompanied by a soothing popsicle to help the medicine go down? Well, here's a great big chocolate popsicle, now try not to ask questions whose answers are practically written on the walls all around you. Get it? Got it? Good.


Well-Known Member
My Turn.. . Can someone explain watering a plant to me, which method do you suppose works best. Thanks. <3


Well-Known Member
ummm sorry sutra but imma have to rock wit wheezer on this one... it does get rather irritating seeing the same posts over and over again. all they have to do is search the forum and their question will probably be answered in multiple threads already.

Well then don't answer the post/thread. If people didn't ask the same things twice or 100 times there really wouldn't be no need for a Forum.


Active Member
Yes there would. And it'd be a great forum to boot. The people who ask the same question without searching are lazy and like their information spoon fed to them. Good luck with that. Also, there is a Newb section for basic questions. How much easier could it be to help yourself? Unless one's goal is helplessness, which does take all the pressure off.


Well-Known Member
Yes there would. And it'd be a great forum to boot. The people who ask the same question without searching are lazy and like their information spoon fed to them. Good luck with that. Also, there is a Newb section for basic questions. How much easier could it be to help yourself? Unless one's goal is helplessness, which does take all the pressure off.
THANK YOU It's about time someone made an intelligent comment on this post, instead of "change the channel", or "don't look at it"......duuuuuuuh....


RIU Bulldog
This was not a "totally useless thread" as some suddenly up in arms posters would like to present it as. I agree with wheezer: stop cluttering up the boards with questions you can easily answer with a bit of effort, effectively pushing back interesting threads to page 4. Christ, what is wrong with that critique? Is any criticism allowed? Or does it need to be accompanied by a soothing popsicle to help the medicine go down? Well, here's a great big chocolate popsicle, now try not to ask questions whose answers are practically written on the walls all around you. Get it? Got it? Good.
Your little opinion isn't the issue, it's the hypocrisy of it all that's stupid. Were not talking about 'pointless threads'. A pointless thread is "Knock Knock. Who's there? I farted." That would be a pointless thread.
It's dumb because what you're really saying is 'my topic is more important than you topic'. I think it's even more stupid and pointless than the other so-called pointless threads because at least the one Op is mad about are asked by people who really need help.
This thread was started by someone who's been here long enough to understand how it works. Quit cryin' and post something relevant. Or don't. Who cares!
Just quit pretending you're better than everyone else.


Active Member
You dudes sound like the moms at a little league game. I will talk growing with anybody, inexperienced or experienced.


Well-Known Member
I have a grow thread that apparently isn't very interesting, but I would hope it would be in the first three pages. I get one or two comments, and then it's buried under 50 "bunch of yellowing sun leaves/caterpillars in my buds/ is it male or female/what brand of nutes do you use" threads.

I'd really like to see reading requirements before a newb can post. Say pass with 90% a 100 question quiz on Jorge Cervantes' Grow Bible(just an example).

It would eliminate a lot of repeat topics.

Don't like to read?

Try PMing someone who seems to have a clue.

There are a TON of folks who don't mind answering questions without a bit of knowledge or experience to back them up. There are others that will give bad information just to fuck with people. How do you know what works?

You can tell who will try to help, and enough knowledge to actually do so. Ask THEM.

To everybody:

If somebody suggests a solution that sounds iffy, investigate before trying it. It will save your buds.